دليل المعلم Teacher Guide اللغة الإنجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الأول 2022-2023

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دليل المعلم Teacher Guide اللغة الإنجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الأول 2022-2023

دليل المعلم Teacher Guide اللغة الإنجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الأول 2022-2023


l. Ask learners to think about their family members. Give out paper and ask them to draw a quick family tree. Allow five minutes for them to tell their partner about their extended family

. Read the questions with the class. Ask each one in turn and elicit ideas

Main activity

Listening: Activity I

l. Ask learners to 100k at the picture. Check understanding Of the word relationship, and explain that you can use diilérent adjectives to describe a relationship

. Share ideas about Khalid's relationship with his grandad around the class. You can write suggestions on the board to return to later

 Read the Listening strategy in the box. Ask learners to think about how they have already used the picture to help them start thinking about the content of the audio

. Play the audio. Ask learners to listen the first time to get an overall understanding of the text

. Ask learners what kind Of relationship Khalid has with his grandad (a good/ friendly one) — were they right ? Ask what clues there are about this (tone of voice, relaxed manner Of speaking, etc


Listening: Activity 2

l. Ask learners to read through the statements first, then play the audio all the way through

. Play it again, pausing after the relevant information if necessary

. Learners can write their ideas individually, then compare with a partner



Read out each question and check answers

. Read through the Language tip with the class and check understanding

. Elicit further examples using both and both of, to check that they can make the distinction correctly


Differentiation activities (Support)

l. Learners work in mixed-ability groups /pairs to discuss why each sentence is true or false

Differentiation activitiß (Stretch)

l. Ask learners to correct the sentences which are false

Workbo0k: Activity 1

l. Explain that this is an extract from the conversation. Learners may find it helpful to see the written form

. Ask learners to read through the words in the box and think about what part Of speech they are Remind them to eliminate options by filling in the easier answers first. Advise them that there is a distractor in the word box

. Learners can work in pairs or individually to complete the text


l. Ask learners to think about Khalid and his grandad from Lesson l. Brainstorm adjectives about the relationships within the extended family

Main activity

Speaking: Activity 3

I. Ask learners to look at the words in the word box. Say each word in a random order and ask learners to Bint to the correct one in the box

. Ask learners to read through the Speaking tip txx and point to the highlighted letters which may cause problems in pronunciation

. Now play the audio. RelEat as necessary

. Encourage learners to make a note that they will understand to help them record the pronunciation

. Refer learners to the Vocabulary box. Explain that this pair of words comes to English from French and that's why fiancée has a feminine ending which doesn't exist in English


Activity 4

I. Ask learners to read the words again, and match them to the meanings. Remind them to complete the ones that they do know first, in order to eliminate some options


Check answers by reading out each word and asking the class to say the meaning

Speaking  Activity 5

I. Give learners a few minutes to work individually and think of sentences

. Circulate and monitor to ensure they have used them in the correct context

. Learners take turns to read out their sentences in pairs Check they are using the correct pronunciation


Speaking: Activity 6

I. Read through the questions and check understanding. Learners can make notes on each question separately. When they are happy that they have enough material to base their discussion on, put them in mixed-ability groups for the svxaking work

. If necessary, write a list of useful words on the txard. or provide the English for any words requested by the class

. Optional: For homework ask learners to crede a B'ster or presentation about their family life that they could present to a student from another country. They may want to include photos of different in their family


You can make a display around the class of the different material they have created

Differentiation activities (Support)

l. Learners can choose one of the two questions to discuss, instead of doing both


I. Learners at the old photographs of your area

. Tell learners you are going to say some facts atut life in the UAE 60 years ago some of which are correct and some of which are incorrect. They must stop you and correct you when you say something incorrect. For example Fifty year ago Dubai was a small quiet place . There weren't any shopping malls There was a lot of busy traffic on the roads. Elicit No, there wasn't. There wasnt any traffic. People didn't have cars. Rqxat with more examples

. In small groups, learners discuss the questions and write suggestions


Invite individual learners to share their ideas with the class

Main activity

Reading: Activity 1

I. Refer learners to the rubric and check that tlwy understand the task

. Ikfore learners read the article, refer them to the Reading strategy and check comprehension

. Give the class seconds to read the article and choose the phrase that the content of the article from the three options



Elicit answers and check as a class Life in the UAE in the

Reading: Activity 2

I. Learners read the article again and complete the activity individually

2. In pairs, learners compare answers

. Ikfore checking answers refer learners to the Language tip txx and read the examples

. Write three new examples on the board, for example I live in Abu Dhabi

When 1 young I di.uxte eat Iraches Piduu-u.se-te go to the park when you were little ? Point out that in sExech. you can't hear the difference txtween used to and un to — it's only important written down

. Elicit different examples from individual learners in turn



Invite individual learners to read the examples to the class 


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