درسThe Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran Kuranالتربية الاسلامية الصف الرابع نموج1.ppt

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درسThe Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran Kuranالتربية الاسلامية الصف الرابع نموج1.ppt

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Diyar School team believes that children need to their own learning in order to develop a real love for learning. By engaging Our students in inspiring, hands -on, critical thinking and problem-solving activities, we build their independence and confidence and enable them to resilient,
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق خلق الانسان من علق اقرأ وربك الاكرم الذي علم بالقلم علم الانسان ما لم يعلم كلا ان الانسان ليطغى أن رآه استغنى إن الى ربك الرجعى أرأيت الذي ينهى عبدا اذا صلى أرأيت ان كان على الهدى او أمر بالتقوى أرأيت إن كذب وتولى ألم يعلم بأن الله يرى كلا لئن لم ينته لنسفعا بالناصية ناصية كاذبة خاطئة فليعد ناديه سندع الزبانية كلا لا تطعه واسجد و اقترب 


Basic  important facts about the Quran

 The qur'an is the holy

book for Muslims

ugline believe that no rt..of the Qur'an can be hanged or re-written S&ecause it is the word of aGo&and so it is perfect

Where did the Quran come from

•Over a priod of 23 years God (Allah in Arabic) revealed his messaae through the arch angel Gabriel to Muhammad 

•The messaae was to worshi the true god. These revelations Were written down by his companions (Muhammad was to form The Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran 0

We Muslims elieVé the Quran is the final booWto be revealed by Allah: after @ collection of other books including_the. Terah and the Bible

What is written in the The Quran has rules and laws written in it about believing In Quran

one God, prayer, charity fasting, what types of food are and are not allowed to be eaten It explains about marriage, divorce, buying and selling, crimes and punishments and many more

 Some of the laws in the Quran are: Worship God and obey and be kind to your parents The Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran 0


Do not kill those who av otharmed you Do not eat pork (aöit>is ilth fnimal) Dmnot drink AlcohoEOr se any drugs, as these harm the bSh w 1 nes d be orgiving fhe•prson who has been evil toy 9 ien and forgiving 

Write down in chatbox. two facts you have learnt The Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran 0


Listen to the following recitation of the Quran

Many Muslims around the world learn the whole Quran off by heart. A Person who does this is called a Haafiz / Hafiz Muslims believe that whoever is able to this is very clever and can teach others how to read the Quran

Have you ever learnt anything off by heart

The picture above shows some children reciting the Quran

The picture on the right shows Chinese Muslims reciting the Quran

Why do you think the Quran has to be recited in Arabic

We Muslims believe that because it was revealed in Arabic it must be recited in Arabic too. Not one wordyhas Changed since 1400 year 

once you start translating - words qndmeanings pegin The Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran 0

final message in Arabic- who are humans therefore to change the languaV_the Qyran

It was narrated that 'Abdullah bin 'Amr, May Allah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him, said: "It shall be said (meaning to the one who has memorized the Qur'an) 'Recite, and rise up; recite as you would recite in the world. For indeed your rank shall be at the last verse you had recited'." (Narrated by al -Tirmidhi)

The Qur'an is read from right to left. It has 114 chapters known as surahs Qur'an The word 'Qur'an' means 'recitation' which means to out loud. We Muslims are encouraged to read it every day

The Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran 0


How many years did it take for the Qur'an to be revealed

Write down two ways that we show respect to the Quran

Write down one reason why the Qur has to be recited in the Arabic language

Extension task: HOW imprtant is it for us to follow the laws in Qur'an

Can think of some gmd advice that someone close to you has given you ? How did this help you in your daily life

Did we achieve the objectives of today's lesson

Do you know the name of the Holy book of Islam ? The language its written and recited in ? where •t Ca  from

Can oü explain how we bould show our love and respectfor the Quran

The Etiquette Of Recitation The Quran


Are yo a leto.discuss how the importance to a •Muslim '? life Say one thing that you have learnt today in the lesson Here are some key point* to jog your nemo Holy book, word of G rabic, Gabriel, J recitation, Perfecta' years, illiterate, final and laws (name some of the differen! topicscovered in the Quran for respect, wudu, coven.high 'helf, special stand, cant be once a year


Written as pætry, in verses (=Surah). There is no story line — no real middle or end

It is made up of 114 chapters, written either in Mecca or Medina

The Qu'ran is not written in the same order in which the messages were given

It is made up of the messages Mohammad received from the angel Jibril for 22 years

It is memorized from cover -to -cover in Arabic by millions of people, even if they don't speak Arabic

The Qu' ran must not be changed. Translated versions are not a Qu'ran

Verses written in Mecca are mostly about Allah's oneness: TAWHID

written down in Arabic 20 years after Muhammad's death - in only one version

Qu' ran means "the collection" Moses and Jesus are mentioned more often than Muhammad

Verses that were written in Medina give LAWS how Muslims must live

It is considered a "miraculous" the like Of which no human being could ever write


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