كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 دراسات اجتماعية منهج إنجليزي صف ثالث فصل ثالث


كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 دراسات اجتماعية منهج إنجليزي صف ثالث فصل ثالث

People use natural resources in different ways. For example, humans and animals eat plants. Some people eat animals. Some medicines are made from plants. Trees are plants. People use trees to build homes and make paper

People use the natural researches available in the place they live. People that live near water usually eat a lot of fish. People that do not live near water do not eat much fish. People trade for the resources they need but do not have

Resources are classified as renewable and non-renewable resources. Renewable resources can be replaced within a few years. Non-renewable resources cannot be replaced for thousands of years or more. Renewable resources include wind, water, and sunlight. Non-renewable resources include coal and oil

Activity 1: ☆ Concept Check

Instructions: Answer each question with information from the reading. Y

1. Name 4 examples of natural resources
Y 2. What natural resource is used in mobile phones


Lesson 3 Natural, Capital, and Human Resources


Human resources are the people working to make goods or | services. Goods are things like books, furniture, cars, computers and buildings. Services are actions people do to help others

Teachers, doctors, farmers, bus drivers, and police officers provide services. They are all examples of human resources

Capital resources are goods which people use to make goods or provide services. Tools like hammers or drills are capital resources because they are used to make things. Buses or metros are capital resources because they provide the service of transportation. People use natural, human, and capital resources to meet their needs


Social Studies - Grade 3 Term 3

Activity 5 Resources Working Together

Instructions: Read the story. Underline the natural resources. Put a rectangle around the capital resources. Put a circle around the human resources

The man owns a bakery. He makes delicious cakes and sweets. When he bakes a cake, he uses milk, flour, eggs butter, oil, and sugar. He mixes the ingredients together in a bowl. He also turns the oven on. Then, he pours the batter into a pan. After that, he puts the pan into the oven. The cake bakes for 45 minutes. When the cake is done, the baker takes it out of the oven. He puts icing on the cake. Then, he puts it on a shelf in the bakery to sell



Did you drink water from a disposable plastic bottle today or yesterday? If you did, what did you do with the bottle? Did you throw it away? Did you put it in a
recycle bin? Did you reuse it ? A plastic bottle lasts at least 400 years. More and more plastic ends up in nature. Plastic pollutes nature. Animals think that the plastic is food, so they eat it. Eating plastic can kill animals. Reducing means to use something less. You can reduce the
number of plastic cups you use if you drink with a glass. Reusing means to use something again. For example, grocery
stores often put things into plastic bags. You can take the plastic bags to the grocery store the next time you go shopping and use them again. Recycling means to use the material again but in a different form. The toy horses in the picture are made from recycled car tires



The world has a growing population but a limited amount of natural resources. We need to use them without harming the earth. Different countries are using their natural resources to get clean energy. In Ireland, lots of wind comes over the Atlantic Ocean. Companies in Ireland are building windmills near the coast. Wind makes the windmills turn, which creates electricity. This electricity is used for businesses and homes. Wind energy does not pollute

The UAE gets a lot of sunlight. Two world leading solar plants are in the UAE. In Abu Dhabi, there is the Noor Abu Dhabi. In Dubai, there is the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Power Park. These two plants make electricity in a clean way for the UAE

A resource that we must use better is farmland. When cities grow, people often put new buildings on farmland. This destroys the land and we cannot grow food on it. There have been many improvements in farming in the UAE. In 1971, there were about 4,000 farms. In 2011, there were about 36,000 farms. Modern irrigation systems put water right next to the plants so that no water is wasted. In 1999, 32% of farms in the UAE used a modern irrigation system. In 2011, 91% of farms used a modern irrigation system

Lesson 6 New Ideas for Resources

A recent idea is indoor farming using vertical farming. Vertical means going up rather than across. The plants are on shelves inside the greenhouse. The farmer can control the temperature and the water used. Little or no soil is needed. The farm produces 1,000 to 1,500 kilograms of food every day. This saves farmland, soil, and water


Lesson 7 Powered Engines


Natural resources come from nature. They include water, soil, wood, and oil. Human resources are people who do a job. Capital resources are goods that people use to make other goods or to do a job. Examples of capital resources are factories, tools, computers, or trucks. No one has all of the resources they want and need. This means that some resources are scarce. People trade for things that they need and want but do not have. When people need each other, they are interdependent

Trade develops when people are interdependent to get what they need or want. In this picture of two Native Americans, the man on the left has chickens but needs fruits. The man on the right has fruits but needs chickens. The men are interdependent because they have a scarcity of some resource The men trade resources to meet their needs


Lesson 8 UAE National industries


In the past, fishing and pearl diving were main parts of the economy in the area that is now the UAE. Fishing provided food for people in the area. Pearls are beautiful jewellery. People all over the world wanted pearls. Pearl divers dove into the Arabian Gulf to find pearls. Then, people sold the pearls to consumers here and from around the world. In the 1960s, the emirates became a large producer of oil. After the emirates United into one country, the UAE continued to produce oil. Countries all around the world need oil. The UAE exported oil to many countries and then the UAE economy grew quickly. In the 1990s and 2000s, tourism in the UAE became more popular

More and more people come to the UAE from other countries for their holiday. They buy goods and enjoy services available in UAE hotels, shopping malls, and places of entertainment. The UAE is a desert. It must import food from other countries. It The UAE imports cars, gold, and jewellery as well. That means the UAE is a consumer of these goods


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