كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف سادس فصل ثالث

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كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف سادس فصل ثالث

Read the definition of mental health then answer the following questions

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Positive mental health allows people to

 Realize their full potential

Cope with the stresses of life

Work productively

 Make meaningful contributions to their communities

 Mental health is closely related to physical health. Broadly speaking, the less you are active, the more likely you are to end up with physical, but also mental, health problems. We often talk about the mind and body as though they are completely separate - but they aren't. The mind can't function unless your body is working properly. If you keep active, you are less likely to be depressed, anxious or tense, more likely to feel good about yourself and more likely to concentrate and focus better. Exercising and playing sports can also help by getting you together with other people, which is in itself very important for maintaining good mental health


Read the article about Destigmatising Mental Health then answer the questions that follow

 People who suffer from mental health issues face many obstacles in life. If they are lucky, they have a good support network around them, with friends and family who help them through their days. However, unlike other health issues, mental health issues are often misunderstood. People who suffer from depression, for example, are often told that they are just "having a bad day" or going through "a phase". They might be told to "cheer up" or pull themselves together. They might hear that they need to "try harder” to get "better". These unhelpful attitudes add to the stigma of mental health. Sufferers might feel ashamed about their condition, and in extreme cases might be discriminated against because of it. This of course all adds to burden they are already carrying, So how can you help to combat the stigma often associated with mental health? First, remember that these people are suffering. How would you deal with a friend who was suffering from a toothache or a broken leg? You'd show empathy and try to help him, right? The same attitude is needed when dealing with mental health. Suppose you have a friend who is dealing with a mental health issue. Show empathy and compassion. Think about the impact of your words and actions. If your friend wants to open up and talk to you, listen to him. Show him that you want to help. If he chooses to stay silent, don't force him to talk. Sometimes people need time to make the decision to share their thoughts. Just let him know that you'll listen


Read about inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities in sports then answer the questions that follow

The 2019 Special Olympics World Summer Games will take place in Abu Dhabi, in 2019. Special Olympics is a global movement that unleashes the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sports, every day around the world. We empower people with intellectual disabilities to become accepted and valued members of their communities, which leads to a more respectful and inclusive society for all. 7,000 athletes and their families, from 170 countries will be welcomed at the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Abu Dhabi. The athletes will compete in 22 sports, taking place at multiple venues throughout the city. Commenting on the momentous occasion, the Chairman of the Abu Dhabi World Games Higher Committee said: "Abu Dhabi has long been at the forefront of the inclusion of individuals with intellectual disabilities in our region. Today, we are celebrating a milestone in a journey that began with the vision of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahian-may God have mercy upon his soul-in promoting an inclusive society. We are proud to continue this tradition through our leaders, and extend our commitment to the Special Olympics movement, which has the firm backing of the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi, and the entire nation, as it brings us a step further in achieving social inclusion. Thanks to the Special Olympics athletes of the UAE who have inspired us to reach this milestone."

a. How does the power and joy of sports unleash the human spirit

 b. What role can a school play in encouraging a healthier lifestyle E


Read the following article then discuss the questions that follow

In the modern world, everybody seems to be busy. Life is a constant swirl of activity: tasks, deadlines, classes, meetings, chores and so on. We are all moving so fast that we forget that sometimes we need to slow down. We need to literally take a breath! Because we are constantly doing, we may lose touch with how we are feeling. Mindfulness is a very effective relaxation technique that gives you a chance to 'check in' with yourself. You choose to stop for a moment (maybe a minute, maybe fifteen minutes) and take notice of how you are feeling. One of the core practices in mindfulness is attention to breathing. This simply involves paying attention to your breath, noting each in breath and each out breath. You don't need to change your breathing; you just need to notice this. This helps your brain to slow down and helps you to notice how you are feeling. You have a chance to listen to what your body is telling you. As you relax more, you start to pay attention to your body. Do you feel relaxed? Is there pain or tension anywhere? Do you feel calm or is your mind and your heartbeat) racing? For now, you are just noticing your feelings. You are not judging or analysing them. By taking notice of what your body and mind are telling you, you can start to think about whether you need to


Read about applying the five ways in order to improve your physical and mental health, then answer the questions that follow

By applying the Five Ways, you can greatly improve both your mental and physical health, and become a more resilient person, better able to cope with life's trials. When you connect with others, you build a support network. People are stronger when they reach out and work together. The more active you become, the healthier you will feel, both in your mind and in your body. You will become tougher and stronger, able to overcome obstacles and deal with problems that you encounter. Remember to take time to take notice. Be mindful of what your body is telling you. What are your thoughts? What are your feelings? The more aware you are of your developing strengths, the more your confidence and enthusiasm grow. We all have bad days. We can't achieve everything on our own all the time. Sometimes on your journey, you need help along the way. Knowing when to ask for help isn't a weakness; it's a strength. Finally, give something back to others. Be grateful for the good things in your life. And share the goodness with others. Develop an attitude of gratitude

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