كتاب الطالب وحدة our precious world اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر الفصل الثالث

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كتاب الطالب وحدة our precious world اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر الفصل الثالث 

Lessons 11—12 Green cars

 Do you think the way we use cars can affect the environment? Why/VVhy not

 What do you know 'green cars'


Read the text about electric cars and decide whether the statements are true (T),false (F) or not given (NC)

 only benefit of EVs is that they don't emit toxic gases

 Not everyone thinks EVs are a thing

 EVs are more expensive to buy than traditional cars

 EV owners can charge their cars for free anywhere in Dubai

Emric cars are not on the roads and we've all heard atmt the tmefits of •green cars' , such as cutting greenhouse gases. In fact. electric vdlicles, EVs, are 100 per cent eco-friendty as they run on electrically powered
engines. They dm't emit toxic gases or smoke, so they have a bw impact on
the environment tmause ttEY run clean sustainable energy. They're t*Rter than hybrid cars, which typically cnnsume gEtrol or diesel fuel and therefwe prcxiuce harmful emissions. Also, tmause EVs are mwh quieter than regular cars, they greatly nose CEspite theæ sorne gmple still have reservations about EVs Fu example, they may argue that there aren't enough fuelling stations, there's a real risk of running out of if vm're on a long trip

Other arguments against the use of EVs are the high cost of and their long time. If was cheaw and fuelling statbns easier to find, more would consider buying EVs Also. since most of the 's cars on tcxiay's market are small aryl onw seat tvo g:mple, fMnilies may Mit find them suitable fcy their needs But now kul authorities in Dubai are offering interesting incentives to EV mvners in an effort to make (Iir roMis greener. This is part of a larger plan, the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2(H), mth aims to make Dubai the place
with the lowest cartm fcdprint in the world by 2050

The news for Dubai EV owners is tut ttEY can charge their vehicle for free at Dewa-approved stations until 2019

 they have ness to fræ designated green parking in Dubai

 they get free electric vehicle registratim and renewal fæs

they a tree tag for their car and a licence plate sticker identifying it as an elætric vehÉh

As one government official said, 'It we all drove electric cars, we'd live in clean, quiet cities.' So are yw ready to an EV and join the ' græn movement'


Lessons 13—14 Endangered animals of the UAE

 Do you know any endangered animals in the UAE

 Why are these animals in danger


You are going to read an article about endangered animals of the UAE. Skim read
the text and match one of the headings below with each paragraph

Why should we care

Too Eæautiful to live

How you can help

Overview of the problem and aim of the article

From life in the wild to domestic animal

The UAE is home to a range of animals, but many of them are quickly and are nearly the last of their kind in the world. In an effort to protect different endangered
species, the country has created a number Of ways to raise awareness to the
importance Of conservation. In this article, our main objective is to consider some Of these vulnerable creatures and what you can do to stop them from becoming extinct

Hawksbill turtles are found in over 60 countries including the UAE The turtles lay their nests on our and on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi. In the past century
the worldwide population has decreased by around 80 per cent and unfortunately it is that there are only approximately adult nesting females left in the world

Sadly, one of the why the Hawksbill turtles are is that they are hunted for their magnificent brown and
yellow shells to make decorative items. such as jewellery and ornaments The smallest of all 15 existing species, in the past the Arabian leopards found all over
Arabian Peninsula. However, since the beginning of the 19th century, the leopards' population has decreased by around cent in Saudi Arabia and it is now believed that that there are 250 or fewer of these leopards in the wild, and they are disappearing fast. The biggest threat
to this animal is the loss of its natural habitat and prey, caused by unregulated hunting leopards are even captured live and sold at high prices as


The design for the main building of the Dubai 2020 Expo has been revealed during Sustainability Week in Abu Dhabi. During the week long event, delegates were able to look at details and images for the main pavilion. The pavilion, a large and impressive building that will form the centrepiece of the forthcoming trade fair, is said to represent some of the most innovate designs and technologies

The main function of the building is to demonstrate how new science and design can work together to help us to protect our planet. The building will include exhibitions and performances showing how effective alternative energy sources are. These energy sources include solar energy, the
use of water power and materials from natural resources The centre of the building is 8000 sq metres and will also have an auditorium where visitors will

As Expo 2020 will take place during a time when the sun could affect those from cooler climates, there will be places where visitors can hide from the sun and move around Expo 2020 without getting burnt. These shaded enclaves and walkways are based on local wadi riverbeds and will attract visitors by creating natural sights and smells within the fair. To ensure that visitors cannot miss the pavilion, it will be located right at the centre of the Expo's 2km2 site. Other countries attending the event will contribute smaller pavilions demonstrating that Expo 2020 is clearly a global event. A delegate who was attending Sustainability Week claimed that the designs were really impressive, saying 'l think the pavilion's very low carbon footprint will send a clear message about the importance of the natural world, ecology and the use of sustainable technology'



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