مواضيع انجليزي حادي عشر متقدم فصل ثالث

عرض بكامل الشاشة


مواضيع انجليزي حادي عشر متقدم فصل ثالث


Possible Writing Topics for Final Exam

Unit 10

Write about extreme weather

 What is the most extreme weather you have ever experienced

 What did you do

 How did it make you feel

Write about a past regret

 What did you regret

 Why do you regret it

What would you do if you could change it

Write about green energy

What is it

Why is it important worldwide

is green energy popular in the UAE

Write about water use

 Are you usually careful about the amount of water you use

How do you conserve water

 What could you UAE do to conserve water

Write about green cars

 Do you think cars affect the environment

 What do you know about green cars

How cangreen cars protect the environment

Write about endangered animals

 Are there any endangered animals in the UAE

 Why are animals in the UAE in danger

How can we protect endangered animals


Possible Writing Topics for Final Exam


Write about computers and the internet

What do you use the internet for

What problems does the internet create for computers

 How can you solve these problems? Write about cybercrime

 What is cybercrime

 How does cybercrime affect people

What steps can we take to prevent cybercrime

Write about Social Media

 Which types of social media do you use

 What are the advantages of social media

 What are the disadvantages of social media

Write about Virtual Reality VR

What is VR

 How do we use VR nowadays

 How can we use VR in education in the future

Write about E-commerce

 What is E-commerce

 Why do many people use E-commerce

 What are some of the difficulties of E-commerce

Write about Identity Theft

How can our identity be stolen

 How can this affect our lives

What can we do to protect ourselves


Possible Writing Topics for Final Exam

Unit 12

Write about your daily life

Describe your daily life

What would you like to change about your life

How do you think your life will change in the future

Write about food

What is your favourite local dish

Do you try foods from other countries

Have you ever made a mistake eating in another country

 For example, it is very rude when you poke your food with chopst

Write about tipping

Do people tip in the UAE Why or why not

Where do people usually tip in other places

Do you think tipping is important

Write about languages

 How many languages do you think are spoken in the UAE

Which 3 languages do you think are important in the world

What could happen when we use only a few world languages

Write about body language

How do men and women greet people in your country

Write about positive ways that you can communicate using body language Can body language be negative

Write about languages

What is good about knowing more than one language

How do you lean languages

What is difficult about learning languages


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