بوربوينت Writing Program Task1 اللغة الانجليزية الصف الرابع

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بوربوينت Writing Program Task1 اللغة الانجليزية الصف الرابع

Activity 4 Simile Poem

Fill in the gaps to complete the simile

grass   sun    diamond    sea    lemon rose

Have you ever seen a rainmw after a storm

It's as as a daydream

………… And it sparkles as bright as a

A rainbow is as as a garden full of flowers
…………. As red as a

. And as orange as the …………… on a hot, hot day

……………… As yellow as a

……………. As green as in springtime

………….. And as blue as the shining in the morning light

Activity 5 Write a Simile Poem

Plan your own simile Then, write your My Simil

What's the tie

What similes will I use

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