امتحان كتابة وقراءة انجليزي عاشر عام فصل اول


امتحان كتابة وقراءة انجليزي عاشر عام فصل اول

امتحان كتابة وقراءة انجليزي عاشر عام فصل اول


AEP Sample 2 Reading

Part 1

Read the sentences. Choose and circle the correct answer ONE correct answer for each question

There is one EXAMPLE


Our mother stays at home and looks after us: she's

A doctor

B journalist

C housewife

 Go to the and wash your hands

A lounge

B bathroom

C office

 Be careful; some water sports can be

A large

B scared

C dangerous

.in the part The children like playing on the

A grass

B plant

C sofa


. Read the instructions in the exam paper carefully. There might be important instructions that you shouldn't overlook 

. There is one EXAMPLE; this is so you know how to answer the question


. Read the sentence carefully

. Consider the context by analysing the key words

wash and hands

. Look at suggested answers A, B and C

. Choose and circle the correct answer


AEP Sample 2 Reading

 I would like you to take a ……….. of me and my brother

A photograph

B map

C date

People who work in a …………… need good communication skills

A prize

B team

C wardrobe

Some people ………….. into the sea when they do paddle boarding

A fall

B pay

C visit

I do exercise every day to stay …….. and healthy

A scary

B fit

C interesting


. Read the instructions in the exam paper carefully

. There is one EXAMPLE: this is so you know how to answer the question

. Consider the key words do every morning and early

. That is why the answer D


AEP Sample 2 Reading

Part 2

Read the short texts. Match the texts with the correct titles

Write the correct letters (A-H) in the boxes by the texts. There is ONE correct answer for each question

There is one EXAMPLE


A live meet up with


get up study


write about pay


You do this every morning. Some people do not like doing this early

You do this when other people do not understand something. You give them information about it

EXAM TIP : 11. Consider the context by analysing the key words do not understand, give and information


AEP Sample 2 Reading

You have a house and stay there with your family. You keep all your things there

Their articles have interesting Journalists do this as their work. information and are in newspapers

Before you leave a shop, you must do this. You use money to do it

You do this with friends. You go to a place and then chat and spend time together

You do this when you go to another place. You see and do new things there

You do this at school, college and university. You also do this in your house to learn and finish homework


AEP Sample 2 Reading

Part 3

Read the text. Choose and circle the correct answer (A, B or C). There is ONE correct answer for each question

There is one EXAMPLE

My name is Tony. I am 26 years old. I have a brother and a sister. They are 24 and 29. I am married with three children. My brother has two children and my sister has I four children. We are all from Italy. My brother and sister live in France. My house is in Germany

I work as a pilot. I like my job very much. My wife is a teacher. Her job before was with a newspaper as a journalist. I work hard and I sometimes have to fly at the weekend. Every day, I take people to different countries and I keep them safe. always enjoy meeting new people and helping them with their problems

In my free time, I enjoy mountain biking I don't go with my wife because she doesn't like it. My children are too young to cycle in the mountains. Igo mountain biking with my best friend Frank. There is one activity I like doing with my family. We visit theme parks and go on different rollercoasters. The children think that theme parks are amazing go on rides with my children because my wife feels scared that she will fall. She usually watches us


How old is Tony

EXAM TIPS : 12. There is one EXAMPLE; this is so you know how to answer the question

. Always read the question and then find the answer in the text

. The answer is B because Tony's brother is 24 and Tony's sister is 29


AEP Sample 2 Reading

How many children does Tony have

A two

B three

C four

Where does Tony live? A Italy B France C Germany  What is Tony's job

A pilot

B teacher

C journalist

How often does Tony work at the weekend

A occasionally

B usually

C always

Who does Tony do hiking with

A his wife

B his children

C his best friend

Who doesn't go on rides in water parks

A Tony

B Tony's children

C Tony's wife


Sample Writing

Read Questions 1- 4. Write TWO sentences about yourself to answer each question

Write at least 50 words

. What do you look like

. What do you usually do in the morning

. What free time activities do you enjoy

. Which job is interesting


. Always read the question carefully

. Think back to when you studied this in your course book - UNIT 3

. Write two sentences about yourself using vocabulary you studied in the course book

. Try to write more complex sentences by using 'but', 'because' 'so


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