حل وحدة food and drink كتاب النشاط إنجليزي خامس

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حل وحدة food and drink كتاب النشاط إنجليزي خامس

حل وحدة food and drink كتاب النشاط انجليزي خامس : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف حلا هاما يتضمن عددا من الأسئلة والتدريبات الشاملة ، من منهج اللغة الانجليزية  الصف الخامس 


Lesson 2•

Read and listen Complete the dialogue with me or any. Then listen and check

Language detective Hi, Pablo, what did you have for When do we use these word pasta

Were there vegetables in the pasta? blo: Yes, there were and there was some melted cheese too

Hmm, delicious! What about the main course

 Pablo : There wasn't an pizza today, so I had fish instead. All What about dessert

I didn't see 5 Some ice cream on the menu

today and it's my favourite! Pablo: You're right - there wasn't. I'm not keen on pears, so I had _Some_apple pie


 Challenge Design and write you  favourite menu




MENU -Rise and -Pizza


- muffin


Fmeat stici




Lesson 4

1 Use of English

of English Complete the sentences with made of or made from and ose from the words below. You can use the words more than once

metal plastic wood acan stone a bottle

Language detective When do we use made of and made from? Can you give examples

 The bag is eesti

 The door is metat

 The pencil holder is

 The keys are

 The bird feeder is a bulle

 The wall is stone

Challenge Think of your own idea for recycling a plastic bottle. Draw and describe your design

Bridge to Success Grade 5 Activity Book


Lesson 8

Read Look 0oo me sentences are Bok again at the text on page 44 of the Learner's Book Read and decide if centences are frue (1) or false (F

The beans grow in hot countries. , The beans are farmed once a year

The workers climb the trees to cut down the pods

After the shells are cracked, the beans are cooked

 They add sugar to the mixture, to make

it sweet 6 When the mixture is hot, we have the final product

Talk Discuss your answers with a partner. Take turns to read the sentences from the text that contain the answer

Talk Now work with your group and talk about what you can remember about the process of making chocolate

Speaking tip Don't forget to add these important words to show the order of events : Firstly... Secondly

Then ... Next ... Finally

Bridge to Success Grade 5 Activity Book Unit 3


Lesson 9

1 Write

Look at the pictures showing how bread is made. Complete the sentences with words from the box. You will need to change the form of the verbs

push  add   yeast cook   salt mix leaf nuts

 Bread is made from flour, water SOL and Yeart

 First, the ingredients mi to make the dough

 Then the dough_push and

pressed for ten minutes and then made into a loaf of bread

 Extra ingredients such as nus

and seeds arded to give the bread more flavour

 Then the bread is cooked in the oven

Bridge to Success Grade 5 Activity Book Unit 3


 My learning

lesson 12

u remember about the process of making bread

can you remember? what can you reme 155 with your partner

e 36 of your Activity Book. Did you mis anything out

Check page 36 of Flour Yeast

Talk Can you remember the story about The greedy boy? What happened? What was the lesson that he learned from his behaviour

Vocabulary What do the following adjectives mean? Write definitions

I greedy : eager

 selfish : caring only about himself

 generous : unselfish

 helpful - willing to help


LOOk what I can do!

 I can understand the processes of basic food production

 I can use the Present Simple Passive form of verbs to describe processes

I can read and understand a short story

I can use vocabulary for agreeing and disagreeing


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