أوراق عمل علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع


أوراق عمل علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع

أوراق عمل علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف مجموعة من أوراق العمل الهامة والتي تتضمن عدد من الاسئلة والتدريبات الشاملة ، من منهج علوم الصف الرابع ،  ايضا، وقد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل.


Term 1






Science practice test 1

Question 1

Circle the correct answer

What is the second step in the scientific method

a) Ask a question

b) Observation

c) Conclusion

Question 2

Circle the correct answers

Which rule is the student breaking in the lab


b) Reading

c) Running

Question 3

Circle 3 things that living things need to survive

a) Food

b) Water

c) Table

d) Gases

Question 4


Circle the correct answer

The instrument that we use to see cells is called a

a) hand lens

b) microscope

c) thermometer

d) beaker

Question 5

Fill in the missing words. Use the words below to help you


cell wall



Animal cells and plant cells are cell has

____and a is the brain of the cell ____. The plant

____- The


Question 6

Label the plant cell using the words below to help you

Cell wall






cell membrane


Question 8

Label using the words in the block

Animal cell

Plant cellw

Question 9

Fill in the genus and species

The lion's scientific name is Panthera Leo



Question 10

Circle the correct answer

Which statement about the number of species is true

a) Kingdoms contain the most

b) A phylum contains the most

c) Orders have the fewest

d) Kingdoms have the fewest


Question 11

Circle the correct answer

All the organisms in this kingdom make their own food

a) fungi

b) protists

c) bacteria

d) plants


Question 12

Circle the correct answer

Mushrooms are in the kingdom

a) animals

b) plants

c) bacteria

d) fungi


Question 13

Circle the correct answer

Which two kingdoms do NOT have a nucleus

a) fungi and plants

b) bacteria and archaea

c) animals and protists

Question 14

Name the system using the words from the block

Nervous system

Skeletal system

Circulatory system

Respiratory system


Large intestine





Question 15

Circle the correct answer

Which system removes waste from the body

a) circulatory system

b) excretory system

c) respiratory system

Question 16

Circle the correct answer The system that helps animals to breathe is called the

a) circulatory system

b) excretory system

c) respiratory system


Question 17

Circle true or false

a) Butterflies go through complete metamorphosis

True or False

b) Damselflies go through incomplete metamorphosis

True or False

c) A clone is not an exact copy of its parent

True or False


Question 19

Write down an example of an animal that reproduces with two parents

Question 20

Put the stages of a butterfly's life cycle in order

Number it from 1 to 4

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