أوراق عمل مراجعة علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع


أوراق عمل مراجعة علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع

أوراق عمل مراجعة علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف مجموعة من أوراق العمل الهامة والتي تتضمن عدد من الاسئلة والتدريبات الشاملة  ، من منهج علوم الصف الرابع ،  ايضا، وقد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل. 


Lesson 1 : Be a Scientist

Scientific method: is a process that scientists use to answer questions

Variable : is something that changes or varies

A hypothesis : statement that can be tested to answer questions

An experiment : is a scientific test that can be used to support a hypothesis

Make observation

Ask a question

Drew conclusions



Form a hypothesis

Test your hypothesis


Chapter 2 Lesson 1: Cells

Cells : the smallest unit of living matter

Trait : a characteristic of a living thing

Kingdom : the largest group into which organisms can be classified

Spore : one of the cells in a seedless plant that grows into a new organism

Photosynthesis : the process by which plants use the sun's energy to make food from water and carbon dioxide

Oxygen : a gas in air and water

Organism : is a living thing that carries out five basic life function or jobs


 Living things function

* reproduce * growe

* use food for energy

* react to changes

* get rid of wastes


Chapter 3 : The Animal Kingdom

Muscular system : the organ system made up of muscles that move bones

Digestive system : the organ system that breaks down food for energy

Heredity : the passing of traits from parents to offspring

Metamorphosis : a life cycle including four stages of growth : egg, larva, pupa and adult

Lesson 1: System in Animals

A system : is a group of parts that works together

. The skeletal system

Consist of bones

 Supports an animal body

  protect the organ inside


2. The muscular system

Consist of muscles

 to move

 pull on the bones

. The nervous system

( the master control system of the body )

Consist of nerve cells, brain, spinal cord and sense organs

 help animals use sense ( sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell

 to detect changes in their surroundings


 The respiratory system

Consist of gills or lungs to exchange gases with the water or the air

- brings oxygen to the blood and removes

carbon dioxide gas from the blood


 The circulatory system

Consist of the heart, blood and blood vessels

 to move blood through the body

The blood carries oxygen, food and water to the body's cells

Fish heart has two chambers An amphibian heart has two chambers Mammals and birds heart have four chambers

Sponges and cnidarians do not have hearts


 The excretory system

Consist of *the liver and kidneys filter wastes from the blood

* the bladder stores liquid wastes

* the skin sweats to remove excess minerals

* lungs and gills remove waste gases from cells

 they produce wastes


 The digestive system

Consist of ( mouth - stomach - liver - intestine ) in mammals

- break down food for energy


Lesson 2 : Animal life cycle

The stages of growth and changes

. birth

. growth

. reproduction

. death

life cycle : the stages of growth and changes make up an organism. Life span: how long it can usually live in the wild

Metamorphosis : has several separate growth stages

A clone : is an exact copy of its parents

Heredity : the passing of inherit traits from their parents

An egg : the female cell

A sperm : the male cell


Tropism : the response of a plant to something in its environment

Accommodation : an individual organism's response to changes in its ecosystem

Extinct : when the last of a species dies

Variation : are differences among members of the same species

Natural selection: an organism with favorable variations is well suited to its environment

An extinct : species no longer exists. Species become extinct because they cannot adapt

Echolocation : the returning echoes tell the bat where the food is located


Lesson 2 : Animal Senses

How do animals use their senses

 Learned about the world around them

  Help them stay safe

 Help them find food

 Find others of their own kind

 Move around

How do senses help animals survive

 Sight : Owl: have a large eyes that help them see pray in the dark

Housefly : its eyes made up of thousands of tiny eyes. This allows them to see movement in any direction 

 Hearing : bats: the returning echoes tell the bat where the food

 Smell : Dogs : leave scent when they walk or mark their territory to tell others to stay away

Mosquitos : use their sense of smell to find mammals

Taste : Butterflies : use their sense of taste to find a plant is a good to lay eggs

Touch : Earthworm sense vibration in the ground


Lesson3 : Plants Adaptation with Their Surroundings

A stimulus : is something in an environment that causes a living thing to respond

A tropism : is the response of a plant to something in its environment

How does a plant react or respond to a stimulus

. Light: plants growing towered the source of the light

. Water : plants growing their roots towered the water source

Gravity : the roots of plants grow downward the same direction as the pull of gravity. The stem grow upward, away from gravity

. Chemical : plants use chemical to grow

. Heat : plants use heat to grow

What are some plant adaptations

 A cactus : it has soft tissue that holds water-it

has a thick, waxy cover to keep the water inside

Cold winter : plants lose their leaves to protect them from drying out. Trees uses stored food

In spring : tree grows new leaves and begins storing food for the next winter.


Chapter 5 : The Health of Living Things

Nutrient : substance in foods that your body needs for growth, repair, and for energy

Balanced diet : meals and snacks that provide the proper amounts of foods from each food group daily

Carbohydrate : a nutrient your body uses as a main source of energy. Protein: a nutrient needed for growth and repair of body tissues

Hygiene : the practice of keeping clean

Physical fitness : the heart, lungs, muscles, and other body parts are all working at their best

Vitamins : are nutrients that help your body grow and carry out certain function

Minerals : are another type of nutrient that help your body grow and function properly

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