ورقة عمل Water distribution on earth العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس


ورقة عمل Water distribution on earth العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس

Hessa bint Mohammed School ( cycle 2 )

Quiz 1 : Water distribution on earth grade

: Mark thc following statements as True (T) or False


Both lake and groundwater are usable

About 97% of water on Earth is not usabl

Glaciers are sheet of ice that slowl moves over land

Water cover 70 % of earth's area

Oceans are fresh but onds are sal water

Q2 : Choose the correct word to Complete sentence

storage - hydrosphere

97% - running water

………. all water on earth is called.l

……... Percentage of saltwater on eart

……………... streams and rivers are

………… The process of storing water on earth's. surface is called

03 :Read then Chooses the correct answer

I -Which type of freshwater source are lake and swamps

A. Running water

B. Ocean water

C. Standing water

D. Ground water

-Water underground seeps through rocks, soils, and sand and is stored in

A. rivers

B. oceans

C. lakes

D. groundwater

 -What pcrccntagc of Earth's freshwater is groundwater

%A. 40

%B. 1

C. 30%

D. 69%

-The diagram shows freshwater on Ealth. Which label represents water stored in glaciers and ice caps

A. Label 1

B. Label 2

C. Label 3

D. Label 4

5- What is usable freshwater

A. Water that can only be found in the oceans

B. A salty water source

C. A water source that can be used for drinking and farming

D. Water that humans cannot drink

Artificial lake use to store water by building a dam

A. Reservoirs

B. aquifers

C. drainage

D. icecap

With my best wishes

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