حل درس Interesting Designs لغة إنجليزية الصف التاسع

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حل درس Interesting Designs لغة إنجليزية الصف التاسع

حل درس Interesting Designs لغة إنجليزية الصف التاسع

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Lesson objectives and learning outcomes

In this lesson you will

• Learn some new vocabulary

 Read about an interesting design and answer some questions

 Use the structure adjective + to infinitive to talk about designs

By the end of this lesson you should be able to talk about and give your opinion on different product designs

You can do today's activities. in your book and on LMS

Lesson 5 : Interesting designs

 Can you thhk of object with an interesting design? Why is it interesting

Activity 1 Speaking

Look at the pictures and the title of the text

What do you think it is out

Activity 2 Reading

Read about Eva Vdicsek's design What materials did she use

Key Structure

Active + to infinitive

The is to cary Coursebook page 2

Egg of the future


Egg carton of the future

Hungarian design student, Eva Valicsek designed the egg carton of the future. It is made of cardboard and a ruppr hand

"At the start, I wanted to design a box for different egg sizes," she says. She made a lot of. models to find the right design. Then she made the best design with a rubber band. Eva's carton is easy to make and it can hold both small and large eggs. The rubber band and the cut- out holes stop the eggs from moving. The top is open so you can see the eggs. The egg carton is environmentally friendly because it can be reused many times

Egg carton of the future

enviorrnentany when sornetrhg is tor the enwonrnent Hungarian design student, Eva Valicsek designed the egg carton of the future It is made of cardboard and a rubber band

"At the start, I wanted to design a box for she says. She made a lot of models to find the right design. Then she made the best design with a rubber band. Eva's carton is easy to make The rubber band and the cut- out_holes stop the eggs from -moving. The top is open so you can see the eggs. The egg carton is environmentally friendly because it can

Activity 3 Reading

Read the sentences about the text. Ate they True or False

1 Eva wanted to a box

2  Eva ' s ccrton is for

4 The carton can

Activity 4 Reading

What is Eva's design ? words in the text and mee a list

Hungarian design student, Eva Valicsek designed the egg carton of the future. It is made of cardboard and a rubber band

"At the start, I wanted to design a for to nuke

it can hold both gnall and large egg

It stops the frcrn moving


"At the start, I wanted to design a for different egg sizes," she says. She made a lot of models to find the right design. Then she made the best design with a rubber band. Eva's carton is eggs. The rubber band and the cut- out h.QIess.top the -eggs -from- moving Thp tnp iq ran see the eggs. The egg friendly because it-can -he -reused- many -times

Activity 5 speaking

What do you Eke or cfslke about these design

It stops the frcrn moung

It is open so you can see tte eggs

It can and large

It is enviroment

It can reused many times

The jacket looks difficudt to we

I like the colour but it'S too big

Activity 6 Writing

Choose one of the objects above and describe the &sign. Say what it looks and what you or don't Eke about it

The car is too small and it looks very uncomfortable to drive



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