حل درس Technology in Medicine اللغة الإنجليزية الصف التاسع

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حل درس Technology in Medicine اللغة الإنجليزية الصف التاسع

حل درس Technology in Medicine اللغة الإنجليزية الصف التاسع

Learning Objectives

 identify a factual text which includes technical vocabulary  summarise a factual text

lessons 9-10 Technology in medicine

Think about the activites you do every day How do Now look at the photos. kuss the minrelationto the previous questions. Use the prompts below

- What are the yued for

- What do you think they are made of

- How do put think they might work

Technology in medicine

Most of us take arms and for granted. Think about how them every day. What activities are your arms and legs for ? Wtat activities  do without them ? what it  roust like  are Injured in an accident have genetic disease which rneans you lose the use Of an arm or or to have it amputated

This is where doctors and researchers corne into the pkture Specialists spend their lives looking for ways to help in  using the roost advanced to thern- One. the areas specialists in is prosthetics: the developrrwnt artificial limbs. as bionic lirnbs- Prosthetk are uæd rnany today. but are they a nuxlern inwntion You many to learn that artificial nbs are not sornething new. found evidence that bionic limbs years ago' These   made Of Centuries later. in the. records shcm that limbs v,ære out Of arvi .ære  by the Sar-ne who rnacfe arrnour. A rnechanical hand with a hinge was inventexf 

Frerwh called Pare. In the a Dutch surgeon called Pieter Verduyn. invented an artificial The prosthetic lirnbs that are tcxiay still use the original desig ns created by doctors

Future. during and after Worki War . in. response to the of solders who æere badly injured and lost a lirnb. This cancided with the developrnent new rnaterOIs

Artificial limbs were manufactured from plastics. which made thern IOhter arvi more listi c than ever before The devebprnent cornputer technology has an. 'rnpact on prcsthetic lirnb techrology. Lirnbs are now designed to more than e.•er before. making possible actions like gripping sornething walking. what are given artificial limbs training to be able to use thern


Read and answer

What is a prosthetic limb

How long ago were the first artificial limbs used

What were the first artificial limbs of made the artificial limbs in the sixteenth centur

Who uwented a mechanical hand

What new developments happened after World Wu II


Lessons 9—10 Technology in medicine

Write the sentences in the correct order

 limbs / us / granted / most / take / for / our / of 

Most of us take our limbs for grante

 those / look / in / specialists / new / help / for/ ways need / to

3 something / artificial I not / new / are I limbs

Artificial limbs are not something

limbs / 40 / were / over / years /  artificial  ago / used

Artificial limbs mereused over 400 yearsag

lower / Dutch / a / an / leg / surgeon / artificial / invented

A Dutch surgeon inv ented an artificial

lighter / materials / limbs / new / make / artificial


Lesson 10

Learning outcomes

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to

 notice textual features such as features of intrcxluctions

 use the passive voice to express their opinions about new developments in technology

 correctly pronounce past participles and key verbs in the lesson


What is another name for a prosthetic limb

What materials are they made out of today

When do we think the first artificial limbs were used


Use of English: present simple passive

We use the passive voice when the subject of the sentence has an action done to it by someone or something

It is formed with the verb to be + the past participle: is eaten, are given, isn't used Prosthetic limbs are used by many people today

People who are given artificial limbs need to be trained how to use them Go back through the text in Activity 1 and underline any examples of the present simple passive you can find

Remember to look out for irregular past participles


Language focus

 Read and complete  (use) for walking and running

are used

 Alot of people are injured (injure) in accidents every day

 More research into mateials is needed — (need)

 Modern artificial limbs are made of plastic

 Nowdays, artificiallim. to more  (make) out (design)

 Gripping psslble by computer technoloy


Rewrite these passive sentences in the active voice

1 Those in need are helped by doctors

Doctors help those in need

2 Ecial limbs are developed by researchers

—Researchers- develop- articil limbs

 Designs for prosthetic limbs are invented by dutors and surgeons

Doctors and surgeons invent designs for prosthetic limbs


Writing tip

A good introduction can include one or more questions to get the reader thinking about the topic you are going to write about

What adivities are your arms and legs used for ? What activities couldnt you do without them



Write introductions for the following topics Incude questions

I How medicine has advancd

The advantages and disadvantages of new technologies

Limg without technology

What will be invented next

Choose one of the topics from Activity Write two more paragraphs


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