مرفق لكم اوراق عمل انجليزي للصف الاول الفصل الثاني يحتوي هذا الملف على اسئلة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الفصل الدراسي الثاني، مناهج دولة الأمارت .
: Write the correct word under each picture
Chicken - chair – chips – cheese- chocolate- chili -
: Circle the correct word
chair- cheese *
chicken - chili *
cheese - chips *
chicken- chair *
chili - chocolate *
chocolate - chips *
: Write: Yes or No
Is it a chair -
Is it a chili -
Is it cheese -
Is it chocolate -
Are they chips -
Is it a chicken -
: Read and match
It is a chair.
It is a chili.
It is cheese.
It is chocolate.
It is a chicken.
They are chips.
: Read and copy
chips / chair
Cheese / chicken
chili / chocolate
: Write the correct word under each picture
shark - sheep – shoes – shop- fish- shell
: Colour the pictures that have the sound /sh
: Write the missing sound
------ air *
ark ------ *
ell ----- *
-icken -----*
: Write: Yes or No
______ Is it a shark
______ Is it a shell
______ Is it a sheep
_____ Is it a fish
________ Is it a shop
Are they shoes
Read and match:
It is a shop. *
It is a shell. *
It is a sheep. *
It is a shark. *
It is a fish. *
They are shoes. *
: Read and copy
chips / chair
Cheese / chicken
chili / chocolate
مواصفات ملف اوراق عمل انجليزي للصف الاول الفصل الثاني كالتالي :
- نوع الملف : اوراق عمل
- الصف : الأول
- المادة : اللغة الانجليزية
- عدد الصفحات: 12 صفحة
- صيغة الملف : pdf بي دي اف