كتاب الطالب Moral – Social – Culture اللغة الانكليزية الصف السادس الفصل الأول

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كتاب الطالب Moral – Social – Culture اللغة الانكليزية الصف السادس الفصل الأول

كتاب الطالب Moral – Social – Culture اللغة الانكليزية الصف السادس الفصل الأول

What are the best ways to resolve a dispute? What we fail to achieve equality

Read the story Of 'The and the Scale answer the tha follow

Once upon a tirne, there were two cats, named Fulla and Yasmina Ful la and Yasmina were good friends and would often help each other to look for food

morning, the cats woke up and looked out of the window to find everything covered in snow. They felt cod d and sad, knowing that finding food in this weather would very difficult. The cats waited until they were so hungry they had choice but to go in search of food. They had searching for a long time, when suddenly Fulla found a sardine in front of them. Yasmina picked it up in her mouth and the two friends hurried back home

Orte home, Yasmina said, ‘l will eat the whole sardine myself, as I was the one who carried it back and I am very hungry’ 'I should eat the sardine because I found it,' objected Fulla_ 'Ard I am hungry too!' The two friends disagreed. Sun they were screeching ard hissing and snarling at each other. Their fight was so loud that a monkey passing by could not help but take a look at what was causing all that noise

Unable to find a solution, the cats decided to tell their story to

the monkey and see what he thought- The monkey thought hard their problem. He sat for a long while quietly scratching his chin, and then he said, 'You should go and see judge. He holds court under the giant hg tree-' Then, the monkey hurried to that tree. He quickly put on his judge's robes and sat the table waiting for the cats to arrive. Soon the cats approached the judge, each of them looking angrily at the other. Fulla spoke first 'Your Honour, as we were out in the cold looking for food, I found a sardine. Clearly that sardine is Yasmina objected, 'Your Honour, yes, my friend was the first to call our attention to the sardine, but I was there, and I carried it back horne.' From a box under the table, the monkey brought cut a srnall scale

Holding the sardine, he cut it into two uneven Then he each piece of fish on either side of the scale. When he lifted the scale, the side with the larger piece sunk lower. It clearly outweighed the other. The monkey shook his head and said, 'This is unfair! The two pieces should be exactly even.' So, he took a bite of the largest piece and put the piece of sardine back on the scale. When he lifted the scale again, the second side now outweighed the first He pkked up the other piece and took a bite. Again he said, This is unfair! The two pieces should be exactly even.' The judge continued to eat from each piece while shaking his head and exclaiming that the two pieces should be exactly men'. Soon, only one srnall piece of fish remained

Days turned to months, but nothing grew in Chunhua's pot, and she felt extremely sad. She tried different pots, and different soils, and even different types of water. She borrowed her neighbour's horse, and rode far to get the richest soils in the land. However, rnonths passed, and still there was nothing. When spring came, everyone rushed to the castle with their p•ts. The pots all had beautiful flowers, some with colours Chunhua had never sæn before. The flowers were all different and some even gave off their own light! All the men and wornen with beautiful flowers laughed when they saw Chunhua holding her empty pot. One by one, they walked in, bolding their pts above their heads to show the emperor. Throughout the day, the ernperor sat there still, frowning and silent. Suddenly, a flowerless pot caught his eye The emperor leaped up off his throne with a huge smile covering his face- He approached Chunhua and asked her, 'Young lady, why did you bring a flowerless pot?' Chunhua blushed, and explained what had happened. The old ernperor listened quietly and smiled. Then, he to everyone and said, 'l gave all of pu pebbles
to grow! And yet everyone here brings me such wondrous plants, except for this honest young lady. She is the only winner!' The emperor pl aced a small crown on Chunhua's head and proclaimed loudly, ‘Here stands Chunhua, Crown Princess, and future Empress of all of China!’ Dovey: Search for Common Ground &uiEing a cuJture of hurnan hghts in the leaders of tanorrowlLebanon March 200

Fairnes is of the key pillars on which the UAE was founded. Read the article about the foundation of the UAE Then discuss the pints tlnt follow

In 1960, an economic movement started in the country, fuelled by the news of oil discovery in Abu Dhabi. The movernent was Initiated establishing The Board of Covernors 'Trucial States Council'. His
Highness the late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed A1 Maktoum, who ruled the Emrate of Dubai in 1958, and Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan A1 Nahyan (may Cod have them) started working together. His Highness Sheikh Zayed met with His Highness Sheikh Rashid at Orkob A1-Sudaira, located between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, in February
1968. It was an exciting time, mth many difficult to discuss However, thanks to communication and consultation, the council was formed in 1971 and, through the commitment of the seven rulers of
the UAE to cooperation, work began on the modern I-JAE

After the courxil was founded, work began on one of the biÆest development plans the region had ever known. And from his very first day as ruler of Abu Dhabi, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan A Nahyan
started harnessing all the resources avail able to him, to develop the country and raise the standard of living

Consequently, the UAE grew into a modern and prosperous state after the birth of the union, thanks to the leadership and the generous nature of the seven rul ers

Under Sheikh Zayed's presidency, the UAE was industrialized, and thousands of people moved from houses made of vines and mud into clean, healthy homes. Fresh water and electricity were provided
to every house, new roads were built and the outdated educational system was quickly modernised. Through his values, Sheikh Zayed led the people, communicated with the world and, with the seven rulers, built the modern IJAE. The values of farness, generosity and spreading world peace became the backbone of the country. Fairness and justice were essential parts Of his life and work. Sheikh Zayed was fair with himself, his family, his ctnmunity and with all people. His way of life turned this cWntry into a regional haven for anyone seeking justice and security

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