مراجعة الاختبار المركزي للغة الأنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر فصل ثالث

عرض بكامل الشاشة


مراجعة الاختبار المركزي للغة الأنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر فصل ثالث 

Choose the correct heading (A - F) for each paragraph. There is one extra heading that you do not need

Emirati Wedding Traditions
1 A flexible and stylish event
A wedding celebration in the UAE is always a luxurious event whether it is held at a large venue with hundreds of guests or in a much smaller setting with only close family and friends. Emirati weddings are a combination of local traditions and modern-day ceremonies. Each family will plan the wedding according to their own customs and preferences.
2. The first stage
Marriage traditions start when the future groom talks to his mother about his feelings. Then, the groom's mother will contact the mother of the intended bride to ask if her daughter will accept the marriage proposal. If the answer is yes, the next step is to arrange the dowry which the groom will pay to his bride-to-be. In the past, the dowry could be a huge amount of money but nowadays it is limited to no more than 20,000 dirhams.
3. Presents and preparations
In Islamic culture, the marriage begins when the contract is signed by the bride and groom. After this, as the bride
starts to prepare for the wedding, the groom and his family will lavish gifts on her. These gifts can include expensive perfume, gold jewellery, silk and other rich materials. Some brides may use the silk to create a gorgeous wedding
dress. In the past, brides used to wear green for their wedding but these days the dresses are white.
4. Music and elaborate patterns
A few days before the ceremony, the bride will have a henna party, called a henna night, with her female friends and relatives. This popular event includes music, dance and delicious food. During the evening while the guests dance  and celebrate, a henna artist will decorate the bride's hands and feet with the most intricate and beautiful designs.
5. Traditional dishes
It is said that nobody will ever leave an Emirati wedding feeling hungry. When the guests arrive, they are served Arabic coffee, tea and dates. Dishes such as lamb, biryani and salona - a traditional stew - are all part of the celebrations as well as local desserts like lougaimat, which are fried dough balls covered in syrup. These are just some of the customs a guest will experience at a traditional Emirati wedding


Read the text and answer the question

Saeed has been working in the travel industry for seven years and during that time he has visited a lot of
destinations. It all started when Saeed was sixteen years old and he went on holiday with his family to
Nepal. While he was there, he started a travel blog, so that he could share the adventure with his friends. After
that, whenever he visited somewhere new, he would always post information about the interesting attractions and
landmarks he discovered. Saeed's travel website became so popular that, three years later, he decided to start
work as a full-time travel blogger.
Saeed visits new places four or five times a year. He rarely goes back to the same regions, no matter how much
he enjoyed his experiences there. He claims people would stop following his blog if he didn't travel to different
destinations. His online followers have made their own wish list of places they want to visit because they have
read about them on his blog. Every once in a while, usually in the summer, he chooses a destination which is
closer to home. In his opinion, people don't have to go abroad to have exotic adventures, there's always
something interesting to see and do in their local area.
It's no surprise that Saeed is described as adventurous by his family and friends. In addition to travelling to
different places, he always wants to try out new activities at some of the destinations. In the past he has done
sandboarding and now plans to try mountain biking and skydiving. His most recent adventure sport was white
water rafting and he says it was the most exciting thing he has ever done. He explains that you ride in a boat
down a river with the waves crashing around you and how you have to use paddles to control the boat and stop it
turning over. He says it's a dangerous sport as you will be moving down the river very fast. However, it is a fun
experience and should not be missed.
Saeed believes the reason he likes to travel is because he grew up in a small, isolated town which meant he
always wanted to know more about the world outside

________ Saeed's first blog was 

a. seven years ago
b. very popular
c. about Nepal

 Saeed ________ goes to four or more destinations every year

a. rarely
b. normally
c. Occasionally

________ Saeed thinks that people should 

a. always travel overseas
b. explore their own area
c. have a wish list

________ If Saeed hadn't been adventurous, he would miss trying 

a. white water rafting
b. mountain biking
c. sky boarding

? What is the main purpose of the text

a. To introduce a platform for adventure sports
b. To discuss jobs in the travel industry
c. To describe the life of a blogger


A Popular Organisation

LgNTek is a company that produces virtual reality headsets. Computing experts and software engineers from
all over the world mainly want to work at the UAE branch of this organisation because of its distinctive
management style. It is because of this that the company receives more than a thousand job applications
every day. The office building has several quiet rooms where the employees can go to relax. These rooms
have interesting names such as 'artisan', 'heritage' and 'dhow journey' and these spaces create a relaxed and
comfortable working environment.
The company culture includes several perks for the employees. These include a free breakfast and free drinks
and snacks throughout the working day. Additionally, new parents receive paid maternity and paternity
leave. The company is about to introduce a plan which means the employees can spend some time each
week working on their own personal projects. The company ethos is that, if workers are happy, they will be
more productive in their job.
Although the perks are important to the staff, one of the best things about working for LgNTek is the large
variety of fascinating jobs, such as a research engineer and 3D artist. All of the employees are able to
participate in a new and exciting field of electronic engineering. Virtual reality (VR) is a computing idea that is
years ahead of the technology that is available today. In order for someone to experience VR, they will need
to wear a headset which creates a 3D virtual environment. In this way the user can experience the sights and
sounds of a place, just as if they were real. However, there is still more work for the company to do on
researching how to stimulate a user's sense of taste and smell.
Most people associate VR with video gaming but this technology has many other benefits to society. For
example, airline companies use VR for flight simulation to train pilots. This technology can also be used by
medical students, which is a safer way to train new doctors. Additionally, VR is used in education and
learning. Students are able to interact with each other in a three-dimensional environment and it is even
possible for them to go on a virtual school trip to a museum

LgNTek's employment culture makes the company popular

a. True
b. False
c. Not given

 The company perk that staff like the best is the free meals
a. True
b. False
c. Not given

 There is a limited number of interesting jobs at LgNTek
a. True
b. False
c. Not given

 These days, a VR user is less likely to experience sound than smell
a. True
b. False
c. Not given

 VR technology has many positive uses for the community
a. True
b. False
c. Not given



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