دليل المعلم 2020 2021 دراسات اجتماعية منهج إنجليزي صف أول فصل ثالث


دليل المعلم 2020 2021 دراسات اجتماعية منهج إنجليزي صف أول فصل ثالث

Tips for the classroom

Warm up activities are designed to attract students' attention, to help them put aside distracting thoughts, and to get them ready to focus individually and as groups on whatever activities that follow. They will cause students to stop whatever they are doing or thinking and refocus their attention. They are an effective way to help the students begin to think in English and to review previously introduced material. Increasing the students' interest in the material will lead to higher motivation and thus, enhance learning opportunities

 Pre - reading/ listening tasks: The pictures chosen for the topics are carefully selected with the aim to create discussion and increase interest in the material as enhanced curiosity leads to increased learning opportunities. Try to use the pictures to create interest and allow students to analyse the visual clues. This will get students into the habit of drawing connections and using the visual clues, they will be able to make assumptions. The aim is to improve students' critical thinking skills as they progress

Questions you can ask are based on the critical question words

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Who are they

Where are they

 What are they doing

? Why are they dressed like thin  When

was the picture taken

How do the people in the picture feel



Reading activities: Depending on the reading skills, the teacher can either read the text for the students or let them read on their own. Should you opt to read out to the students, be aware that the task turns to a listening task and a slightly different approach to the comprehension questions may be needed, depending on the skills set of the students. Listening activities may require the text to be heard twice; once for general gist and the second time for specific information. When listening for specific information, you could ask the students the questions before they hear the text again so they listen for specific information. This is an important listening skill that we aim to improve in the students

Feedback: When students have finished an activity, it is useful to allow pairs to do peer-check before group feedback. This increases collaboration between students, boosts confidence and decreases teacher talking time in the classroom, allowing students to learn from each other and become more independent learners. Therefore, for all activities in the book, it is suggested that prior whole-class-feedback, students discuss their answers in pairs or in little groups

Creative activities: Whenever possible, add some fun factor that make the activity more meaningful with an outcome that serves a purpose. Drawing enhances motor skills and the right brain hemisphere responsible for creativity and arts. Sharing and guessing increases communication between the students, breaks the ice and gives the class common experiences to draw on during classes. This will enhance memory and learning


Lesson 2 My UAE

Text 1

 What do Muslims do

People who practice Islam are called Muslims

Muslims believe in only one God, Allah. Muslims believe that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the Prophet of Allah

The Quran is the holy book of Islam. Muslims believe that the Quran tells people how to live a successful and happy life

Islam is a big part of Emirati culture. Many of the laws in the UAE are based on Islam. Laws protect and help everyone in the UAE

Muslims pray five times each day. Athan is the call to prayer. Athan comes from mosques around the UAE to tell Muslims the times for prayer

Friday is the holy day of Muslims. A community prayer is held in mosques around noon each Friday, Friday is part of the weekend in the UAE
Muslims eat food that is halal, meaning clean and pure. UAE laws does not allow Muslims to have some foods and drinks that are not halal

Muslims should dress modestly in public. This shows that people respect themselves and others. In the UAE, people should cover their bodies from the shoulders to the knees in public places to show respect for themselves and others

Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Fasting means not eating or drinking during daylight hours

During the month of Ramadan, adults in the UAE may not eat in public. Many restaurants have only delivery during the day. The work day is shorter and people stay awake longer at night

People who are not Muslims must respect the culture and laws of the UAE. The laws keep everyone safe and happy

Lesson 6 Money in the UAE

People traded services or actions. Maybe a person needed help on his farm. The person could give food to someone willing to work on his farm

Trading goods and services was not easy. People could not easily find others willing to trade the goods they wanted

People started using silver or gold coins to trade. They could sell goods and services to get coins. They could use the coins to buy anything they wanted. Trading with coins was much easier

There were problems with trading with coins. They were heavy and took up a lot of space. Finally, paper money was used because it was easy to carry. Now, people pay with plastic cards or electronic devices


Money in the UAE

The money in the UAE called is called dirhams. This can be written DH or AED. Each dirham has 100 fils

The coins have pictures that show the culture of the UAE. The dallah or Arabic coffee pot is on the front of the l-dirham coin

The 50-fils coin has oil derricks on it. Oil is an important trading good for the UAE. The animal on the 25-fils coins is the Arabian gazelle. They live in the UAE desserts

The Central Souq or Market in Sharjah is on the 5-dirham note. In the past, it was a traditional market. Now it sells everything from gold to electronics
The dagger, or khanjar, is on the 10 dirham note. The daggar is a symbol of security and power

Warm up

Students discuss the questions; teacher can get an idea of how much students know about the topic

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