كتاب النشاط اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث


كتاب النشاط اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث 

Welcome to Bridge to Success

Bridge to Success is a twelve- grade course for learners of English as a second language (ESL)

The twelve grades range from the beginning of cycle 1 to the end of cycle 3

Bridge to Success Grade 6 consists of twelve thematic units of study, which include a range of activities, text types and objectives, split over three terms

The materials reflect the following principles

 An Emirati focus, with an international perspective. Specifically developed for young learners throughout the United Arab Emirates, the themes, situations and literature covered by Bridge to Success strive to reflect the Emirati context and encourage learners' curiosity about the wider world. This fosters respect and interest in other cultures and leads to awareness of global citizenship

 An enquiry -based, language -rich approach to learning. Bridge to Success children as active, creative learners. As learners participate in a wide variety of curriculum -based activities, they simultaneously acquire content knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and practise English language and literacy. The materials incorporate a 'learning to leam' approach, helping children acquire skills and strategies that will help them approach new learning situations with confidence

 English for educational success. To meet the challenges of the future, children need to develop facility with both conversational and academic English. From the earliest stage, Bridge to Success addresses both these competencies. Bridge to Success presents authentic listening and reading texts, writing tasks, and end- of- unit projects similar to those learners might encounter in English- medium and international schools

This Activity Book provides additional support, reinforcement and practice of the Learner's Book. Comprehensive support for teachers is provided in the Teacher's Guide

The following icons are used in this Activity Book

1 pre -recorded listening activity pairwork or small group speaking activity (not mediated by teacher) write in notebook activity cross -curricular Science activity (9 links to 21st Century Themes and /or Skills We hope that you and your learners will enjoy using these materials as much as we enjoyed developing them for you

The Bridge to Success team


Lesson 7 The polar regions

Talk and Answer the questions with a 5xrrtner

I How do polar animals stay warm

 In what ways are polar animals the same as desert animals

3 In what ways are they different

Now read the rest of the conversation between Dæma and her mother. Check your answers to questions 1.2 and 3. and answer question 4

4 Which sentence shows Deema's opinion

Which sentences show her mother's opinion

And did you know that it's very cold in the polar regions, there aren't any trees, so animals have to find other places to live — like holes in the snow. They also have to eat meat, there isn't anything else to eat — no grass or plants

And you know, Mum, animals in the EX'lar regions have to know how to stay as warm as Bssible, just like animals in the hot deserts have to know how to stay as cool as possible

You're right! And how do they do that First of all, they have thick fur all over their body and feet. Also, some of the animals sleep during the winter months. That's called That's a gocxi way to stay warm, isn't it

Well, some of the polar animals move to places on Earth where it's a little warmer. They do that during the coldest months. That's called 'migrating'

Well, that's an even idea! Wow, you know so much atmat the regions, Deema!
It's tR-cause I find it all so interesting

2 use of English Circle the correct adverb of degre If you are planning to visit the Arctic or Antarctica, then be prepared for quite /very (l) cold weather, for example -400C. The polar regions are at the top and bottom of the Earth and are extremely /a little (2) dry, too. There is very little raim

Summer in the polar regions is a little /quite (3) long — it lasts for six months IVs not hot, but luckily, it's a littlelextremely (4) warm so animals can come out of their snow holes and look for some food


Lesson 1 1 Animal homes

 Listen and number the animal homes in the order you hear the

@Read this email and complete the table

Hi Aisha

How are you

We had a fun Science project this week about hummingbirds. Did you know that the hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world

We had to make our garden friendly for a hummingbird to live in. I had to plant lots of flowers because hummingbirds eat their nectar. Then I found some spider. webs and small leaves and put them in the garden. The hummingbird uses these to build its nest. Also, I put water in our little fountain, so the hummingbird could use it as a bath (hummingbirds love having baths because their food is sticky!)

Finally, I put something big and red in the middle of the garden — my old bicycle That's because hummingbirds love the colour red. All I need to do now is wait Of course it might be difficult to find the nest, because it's so small. I'll send a picture as soon as I find it

Bye for now


what to do

3  Talk Is it important to help animal make their home Close to ours Why /Why not ?

What could you do to make the area where you live friendlier


Lesson 10 What does an archaeologist do

1 Read the online article by the famous archaeologist Dr A1-Qasami and answer
the questions

First signs of ancient civilisation discovered

the first signs of ancÉnt civilisation in Abu Dhabi in the found signs of a small ancient place on Umm A1 Nar. which is one of Abu Dhabi's small islands. We know ancient civilisations in Abu Dhabi Emause found fishing and farming objects. old drawings showing how the were built and a lot of and old sea shells. These are called •evidence' and they give us information. or facts. There are also a lot of life in the gast. but they usually include people's opinions so we cannot sure about life in the past by just listening to what Fmple say



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