تدريبات امتحان الكتابة انجليزي خامس فصل ثالث

عرض بكامل الشاشة


تدريبات امتحان الكتابة انجليزي خامس فصل ثالث

Grade 5 Term 3


English Writing Practice 2019

Part 1

Study the following names of jobs

جندي soldier ,عالم scientist مدير مدرسة principal معلم teacher , طبيب doctor رسام artist , المصباح الكهربائي light bulb ,تلفزيون television ,ثلاجة refrigerator mountain - climbing تسلق الجبال
أخترع invented السباحة swimming

Look at each picture. Read the question

1. Complete the sentence

 2. Write your answer in a sentence

- What job did he do

 He was a school principal

. What job did he do

He was a policeman

 What job did he do

He was an artist

. What job did he do

. He was a scientist

-What did he like doing

 He liked mountain climbing

 -What did he like doing

He liked swimming

What did he invent

He invented the light bulb

-What did he invent

He invented the television

Part 2

Study the following adjectives

: brave = courageous   grumpy = angr  clever = smart = genius , jer

Look at each picture. Read the questionComplete the sentence

-Write your answer in a sentence

. Who is brave

The solider is brave because he is defending his country

The solider is courageous because he is protecting his country

The solider is courageous because he fights the enemy

او أي إجابة منطقية

. Why is he sleeping in the class

He is sleeping in the class because he is lazy


He is sleeping in the class because he did not sleep well yesterday night


He is sleeping in the class because he slept late yesterday


He is sleeping in the class because he is sick

أو أي إجابة منطقية

 Why is the baby grumpy

The baby is grumpy because he is hungry


The baby is grumpy because he wants someone to play with him


The baby is grumpy because he is uncomfortable


The baby is grumpy because he needs his diapers to be changed


The baby is grumpy because he is sleepy

Part 3

Look at the picture. Read the four questions

. Write your four answers in sentences

 Where are they

 Why are they there

 How do they feel

. What special place do you like to visit

- They are at Dubai International Airport

 They are travelling to somewhere

. They are happy. They are glad. They feel amazing

 I like to go to the Himalayas Chamli

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