ورقة عمل ( My House ) لغة انجليزية صف سادس + الحل فصل ثالث

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ورقة عمل ( My House ) لغة انجليزية صف سادس + الحل فصل ثالث 

________________ 2008 Date

“My House”

My house is in the United States. I live in the United States
The United States is a country
My house is in North Carolina. I live in North Carolina
North Carolina is a state. The weather in North Carolina
is nice. It is sunny. The sky is blue
My house is in Chapel Hill. I live in Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill is a city. It is a city on a hill. It is a city
on a small mountain
My house is red. My house is brick
I live in a red brick house


 ?What is the United States*
A. a city
B. a state
C. a country

? What is North Carolina*
A. a city
B. a state
C. a country

? What is Chapel Hill*
A. a city
B. a state
C. a country

? How is the weather in Chapel Hill*
A. rainy
B. sunny
C. cloudy

? What is my house made of*
A. wood
B. brick
C. metal

? What color is my house*
A. red
B. blue
C. yellow

?What is a hill*
A. a forest
B. a large river
C. a small mountain

Answers and Explanations

1) C
In paragraph 1, we are told, “The United States is a country.” Therefore (C) is
correct. The passage does not contain information to support choices (A) and
(B). Therefore they are incorrect
2) B
Paragraph 2 tells us, “North Carolina is a state.” Therefore (B) is correct. The
passage does not contain information to support choices (A) and (C)
Therefore they are incorrect
3) A
In paragraph 3, we learn, “Chapel Hill is a city.” Therefore (A) is correct. The
passage does not contain information to support choices (B) and (C)
Therefore they are incorrect
4) B
In paragraph 2, the speaker tells us that she lives in the state of North
Carolina. In paragraph 3, we learn that the speaker lives in the city of Chapel
Hill. From this information, we can understand that the city of Chapel Hill is in
the state of North Carolina. In paragraph 2, the speaker tells us that the
weather in North Carolina is sunny. If the weather in North Carolina is sunny,
then the weather in Chapel Hill must be sunny too. Therefore (B) is correct
The passage does not contain information to support choices (A), and (C)
Therefore they are incorrect
5) B
In paragraph 4, the speaker tells us, “My house is brick.” Therefore (B) is
correct. The passage does not contain information to support choices (A) and
(C). Therefore they are incorrect
6) A
In paragraph 4, the speaker tells us, “My house is red.” Therefore (A) is
correct. The passage does not contain information to support choices (B) and
(C). Therefore they are incorrect
7) C
In paragraph 3, when the speaker tells us about Chapel Hill, she says, “It is a
city on a hill.” Then she lets us know more about Chapel Hill. She tells us, “It
is a city on a small mountain.” From this, we can understand that a small
mountain and a hill are the same thing. Therefore (C) is correct
The passage does not contain information to support choices (A) and (B)
Therefore they are incorrect

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