امتحان تدريبي لغة انجليزية صف سابع فصل ثالث

عرض بكامل الشاشة


امتحان تدريبي لغة انجليزية صف سابع فصل ثالث 

The researchers compared the weight and physical fitness of over 3000 students between the ages of 19 and 22 with their academic results for a two - year period. The scientists discovered that nearly 40% of students were overweight, of which 30% were considered obese and nearly 70% were below the recommended fitness levels for students studying at university


The researchers continued their research by interviewing students who went to the university gym and found that those who exercised regularly felt refreshed afterwards and could think more clearly
when they attended classes


Researchers also found that the more hours a student spends studying, the more likely he or she is to exercise. Compared with students who studied less than an hour per day, students who studied three or more hours a day were more likely to exercise


The study over weight over weight, fitness and recommend concluded that students who were active and not had higher grades than those who were unfit and suggesting a strong relationship between physical academic achievement. Consequently, the scientists doing exercise to improve your grades



Part 2

Coming to England

Life in Trinidad The house we lived in was a small wooden building on stilts with dazzling whitewashed walls There were windows and doors at the front and the back. we had two bedrooms which were the scene of many pillow fights and tramplining sessions, a small with a sink and cold tap, an airy kitchen with a large glassless louvred window where we also ate atl our meals, and finally a sitting room where no one was allowed except on Fial excasions or when we had visitors

This room was my mother's pride and joy. Its brilliant. white curtains always smelt fresh and the mahogany furniture was always highly as was the floor. My sister and I many hours polishing and shining that room from as far as I can rernemtrr

We had to do the polishing Epfore we left for school day. The cmfortable chairs in the were draped with crisp white lace headrests and the round table, which we ate from on Sundays and other special txcasions, had a doily in its centre, on which sat a vase of glorious fresh flowers. These were from our small front garden which was fun of exotic, sweet -smelling flowers and shrubs such as Ekautjful flame -red hibiscus Which seemed to attract swarms of exquisite butterflies and hovering hummingbirds, in search of nectar. The backyard was where Marmie grew vegetables for our kitchen, like pigeon peas, cassavas, okras and dasheen. A tall bushy tree stocxi in the yard, reaching up to the kitchen window, and whenever one of us häd a bad cold, Marmie would pick some of the leaves, boll than and giveus the vile- tasting liquid to drink. It always made us better —l guess
the thought of a second dose was enough to do the trick

Also in the backyard was a galvanised shower unit Where



Read the text, choose the best answer A, B, C or D for Questions 6 to 10

6. Which of the following words describe Floella Benjamin's house in Trinidad

A. comfortable

B. large

. C. special

D. brilliant

7. How many people are there in Floella's family including Floella

8. Which was Flælla's mother's favourite in the house

a. the salary

b. kitchen

c. sitting room

d. wash room

9. Where did the family eat on Sunday and special

a. At the round table

b. In the garden

c. In the kitchen

d. In the backyard

10. Why were many butterflies and hummingbirds attracted to Flælla's house

a. Because she was leaving behind a czreer

b. Because there were a lot of vegetables

c. Because of the comfortable wocxien chairs

d. Because there were a lot of flowers and shrubs


Part 3

The Impact of Water on the Body Do you have any idea how invtant water is for us ? We need water to make our and our brain work property. Our brain is mostly made of water, and we nei to drink plenty of it to help us think and fcxus to our but ability. If we are dehydrated. our brain dcBnt function as well as it stWd, leading to problems with memory and Studies have even shown that students who tCXk txyttled water into examinations ended up with grades

Drinking water helps our bcxiy to get rid of things we don't need, which sure we stay healthy. When we drink enough water, our kidneys work well, which stops the build-up of harmful substances in our txxiy. Water is for our appearance. It keeps the skin clear and fresh, and can help to keep it lcxking young. What's more, its free ! Fizzy drinks are expensive, and they contain lots of sugar. Sugar is bad for our teeth and it has other side effects. such as increasing the risk of diabetes and causing weight gain

In fæt, if we want to lose weight , drinking water is an easy way to help with this. Drinking water before and during a meal helß us to feel full — we eat Water also helß us to so it's a idea to drink it with a meal

If the weather is hot. or if we do lots of exercise, ve sweat, which means our loses water. This is why its important to stay hydrated, to what we lose. Muscles without enough fluid intake tired more quickly and they dont as well as they should

If we don't drink enough water, our will start to show signs of dehydration : we might feel and perhaps forgetful; we may get a dry mouth, dry skin and dry eyes; we may even suffer from æhes and pains.

Drinking of water will prevent this In short, drinking water is an easy and free way to feel lots of health benefits. Do you know if you are drinking enough

Decide whether the staternent is true, false or is not given in the text. Choose 1
corrEt answe

11- Drinking lots of water can put in a



Not given

12. Drinking water at times helps people to lose weight



Not given

13- Muscles need water to Morm at their best



Not given

14- Drinking lots of water prevents hydration



Not given

15- Water can prevent



Not given


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