ورق عمل الدرس الثالث العلاقات في النظم البيئية علوم صف خامس

عرض بكامل الشاشة


ورق عمل الدرس الثالث العلاقات في النظم البيئية علوم صف خامس

ورق عمل الدرس الثالث العلاقات في النظم البيئية علوم صف خامس : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف مجموعة من أوراق العلوم الهامة والتي تتضمن عددا من الأسئلة والتدريبات الشاملة ، من منهج العلوم الصف الخامس ،و قد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل.


Science Grade 5 Lesson 3

Relationships in Ecosystems

Competition : the fight for limited resources

 Limiting factor : is any resource that restricts the growth of populations

 Abiotic limiting factors : water, temperature, weather, soil type, space to grow shelter and sunlight

 Biotic limiting factors: the amount of available food

 Carrying capacity, is the greatest number of individuals within a population that an ccosystem can support


Habitat : is the physical place where an organism lives and hunts for food

Niche : is the special role that an organism plays in a community

 Symbiosis : is a relationship between two or more kinds organisms that last over times

Mutualism : a symbiotic relationship that benefits both organisms. Examples: o Pollinator (insect or bird) and a flowering plant o Ants and acacia trees o Lichens (the fungus and alg

Commensalism : a symbiotic relationship that benefits one organism without harming the other

Example : Remoras are fish attach themselves to the bodies of rays and shark to get food

transportation and protection. o Orchids growing on trees in a rain forest


Parasitism : symbiotic relationship where one organism benefit and the other harmed

Example :  Ticks and parasites on animals

Tapeworm in human

Amoeba cause a disease called dysentery


A lichen is a combination of fungus and algae that lives on the sides of trees, rocks, and other materials. The fungus provides the algae with water and minerals and the algae uses the water and minerals to make food for both organisms. What type of relationship does the lichen represent




When a symbiotic relationship benefits both organisms, it is an example of





When a symbiotic relationship helps one organism and hurts the other it is an example of




 the following picture is an example of what kind of symbiotic relationship




Which of the following symbiotic relationships is considered parasitic

 ticks feeding on a dog o bees transporting pollen from flowers opilot fish swimming under sharks

 birds eating the insects from the back of a hippopotamus

 Ants and acacia trees have a mutualistic relationship because

 they benefit cach other

hey are part of the same ecosystem

 they are both adapted to a humid climate

 the ants eat part of the acacia tree

Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship where one partner benefits and the other does not benefit or lose from the relationship






Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship where both partners benefit





Which of the following is a symbiotic relationship where one partner benefits and the other is harmed





Which of the following symbiotic relationships is considered parasitic

Tapeworm in an intestinal tract

 Becs transporting pollen from flower

Pilot fish swimming under sharks

 Birds cating the insects from the back of a hippopotamus

Ants and acacia trees have a mutualistic relationship because

 They both benefit from living with each other

They are part of the same ecosystem

 They are both adapted to a humid climate

  the ants eat part of the acacia tree

This occurs when organisms try to get the same resources





A relationship in which one animal hunts, kills and eats another





The animal that is hunted and killed for food



Decomposer Prey


A close relationship between two different species of organisms living together

Food Web

 Food Chain



A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit





A symbiotic relationship in which on species benefits without benefiting or harming the other organism





A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits by harming another


 Competition Commensalism Parasitism

A dog and a tick are examples of which symbiotic relationship

 Predator Pree


 Commensalism Mutualism

An owl and a mouse are examples of which symbiotic relationship





A clownfish lives in a sea anemone. The anemone is not hurt, but the clownfish can live in its safety. This is an example of what symbiotic relationship






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