أوراق عمل مراجعة يتبعها الحل الجزء الاول علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع

عرض بكامل الشاشة


أوراق عمل مراجعة يتبعها الحل الجزء الاول علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع

أوراق عمل مراجعة يتبعها الحل الجزء الأول علوم منهج انجليزي صف رابع : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف مجموعة من أوراق العمل الهامة والتي تتضمن عدد من الاسئلة والتدريبات الشاملة ، من منهج علوم الصف الرابع ، ايضا، وقد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل. 


Answer Science Grade 4 Semester 1 Book Part 1 Review

_GRADE 4 /_ DATE...Q1

Fill each blank with the best term from the list: for all chapters
A. ( Scientific method / experiment / hypothesis / Variable ) l

-A process that scientists use to answer questions Scientific method

-Is something that changes or varies Variablo

A Hypothesis statement that can be tested to answer questions

An Experiment is a scientific test that can be used to support a hypothesis

B. ( Cell / kingdom viruses/ organ organism / tissue will do it

. The smallest unit of living matter is a Cell

 The largest group into which an organism can be classified is a Kingdo

. Tissues group together to form a (n) Organ

. A group of similar cells that do a job together is called Tissue

 Anything that can carry out the five

basic life functions is a (n) organism

A (n) viruses is a non-living particle that depends on and infects the cells of an organism


B1: Fill in the missing words. Use the words below to help you
( Cell wall chloroplasts different nucleus )

Animal cells and plant cells are different

-The plant cell has Chloroplast and a cell wall

-The Nucleus is the brain of the cell


 B2 : Fill in the missing words. Use the words below to help you
( Reproduction / oxygen / controlsl chloroplast / energy )

-All living things need a gas, it is found in air and in water, it is Oxygen

-To make more of the same kids from living things is reproduction

-Most plant cells have green parts called chloroplast it help Plants to make Food

. A nucleus controls, the cell activates

- Mitochondrion It gets energy from food

B3 : -Arrange from the smallest to the largest ( life organization { tissue cell
system organ} 

 Cell - Tissue - organ -system


ضع الكلمة بجوار التعريف
C-( Digestive system / metamorphosis Oxygen/ nervous system / instinct / heredity)

. Food is broken down by the Digestive system

. Butterflies go through a process of change called metamorphosis

 The brain and sense organs are part of an animal's Nervous system

 Traits are passed from parent to off spring through heredity

 A instinct is a behavior that an animal does not have to learn

Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body

02 : Reorder the scientific Method steps and write on diagram below

. Report your result/Test hypothesis or Experiment // drew Conclusion / Form Hypothesis Ask Question / Observation )
Scientific Method Step Report your result
- Observation
- Drew Conclusion
- Ask Questions
-Test hypothesis or Experiment
 Form Hypothesis

Q3 : Match aroup A ضع رقم التركيب المناسب بجوار الوظيفة : correct answer from Group B و Group A

-Cell wall



-Cell Membrane




Group B ( 5 )Food factory in plant cell has chlorophyll

( 6 )Filling cell, jelly, mostly water

( 7 ) Stores cell food, water, wastes

( 1 )Protect & support plant cell. ( 2 )Food is burned in it to give energy
( 3 )Controls all cell activities. ( 4 )Thin covering outside animal cell, after cell wall in plant cell

Q4: What is these organisms' Genus and Species Name? ( Binomial name ) wil

Phoenix dactylifera Genus Phoenix

 Felis catus Species dactylifera

Q5 : Label the plant and animal cells using the words below to help you ( Cell wall / Nucleus / Mitochondria Chloroplast Cytoplasm / Cell membrane ) Mitochondrial Nucleus


اختر الإجابة الصحيحة من بين البدائل المتاحة :Select the correct answer : 49

. All living things

a) Reproduce, grow, use food for energy, get rid of waste, and react to changes

b) Reproduce and grow only

c) Eat, sleep, drink only

. When we classify something, we put it into

a) groups

b) colours

C) shapes

-What dose make "chloroplast" looks green

a) Chlorophyll

b) nucleus

c) vacuole

-The instrument that we use to see cells is called a

a) hand lens

b) microscope

c) thermometer

-What kingdom do mushrooms belong to

a. Fungi

b. Plant

c. Archaea

-The organisms in the kingdom have chloroplasts as part of their cell structure

a- Animals



-Protozoa belong in the kingdom

a. Protista

b. Animal

c. Plant

-Amoeba and paramecium belong to which kingdom

a. animal

b. plant

C. protest

-Which kingdom includes camels and sponges

 a. Plant

b. Protista

C. Animal

-Which organism is part of the Plant kingdom

a. Mushroom

b. cat

C. Trees

-The stomach is part of which body system

a- digestive

b- nervous


-The excretory system

a-breaks down food

b-takes in oxygen

C. gets rid of waste

- Which animals' metamorphosis has a pupa stage



C. butterflies

. An insect molts to



C. grow

-What dose absorb nutrients into blood

 a) Stomach

b) small intestine

c) mouth

-What transfer food from mouth to stomach

a) stomach

 b) small intestine

C) esophagus

-What remove solid waste from unused food

 a) Stomach

b) Blarge intestine

c) mouth

-Mushrooms are in the kingdom of

a) animals

b) plants

c) fungi

-Which two kingdoms do NOT have a nucleus

a) fungi and plants

(b) bacteria and archaea

c) animals and Protists

-The system that helps animals to breathe is called the

a) circulatory system

b) excretory system Crespiratory system

-Which organ pumps blood around the body

A. Brain

B. Stomach Heart


Q10 : Select the right answer from parenthesis wall w On 22-Kideny is ( tissue organ

-Muscle is tissue organ

-Heart is tissue organ

-Animals have simple body, no systems vertebrate invertebrat

-Damselfly, go under (complete incomplete metamorphosis

-Beetleflies go under( complete incomplete ) metamorphosis

-The stages of growth is called ( life cycle life span)

-How long an organism can live in wild is called (life span life cycle)


Q11 : Reorder the four stages of a human life cycle

( Grow / Birth / Death / Reproduction )



- Reproduction

. Death

Q12 : What kind of reproduction is happening in each picture

Budding / Fertilization / Regeneratio ) used this words

Fish Egg


Sea Star Regeneration



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