أوراق عمل الوحدة الأولى انجليزي صف رابع


أوراق عمل الوحدة الأولى انجليزي صف رابع

أوراق عمل الوحدة الأولى انجليزي صف رابع  : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف أوراق عمل فيها العديد من الأسئلة والتدريبات الشاملة ، من منهج اللغة الانجليزية الصف الرابع ، وقد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل. 


You must step on the paper. You mustn't fall on the floor

ملحوظة : أحيانا نجد أن بعض الكلمات يكون لديها أكثر من معنی بالرغم من التشابه اللفظي والاملائي و لكن يختلف معناها حسب موضعها في الجملة لذلك يجب أن ننتبه للمعنى أي كلمه الا بعد قراءة الجملة كامله وبذلك سيتضح لنا المعنى المقصود

Bat خفاش او مضرب بيسبول

مضرب بيسبول.I hit the ball with the bat

A bat is a mammal


.I can play football يلعب

We're acting in the play مسرحية

Letter الرسالة

I wrote a letter to my friend. S is the first letter in sally


I'm eight years old. Where do you live

I live in Ajman

How many sisters and brothers do you have

I have two brothers but no sisters. Where do you from

I'm from Egypt. In Which grade are you

I'm in grade four. What's your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English

What's your favourite game

My favourite game is up and down game. With Whom do you play

I play with my brother. What are you doing in this game

We are sitting on the floor, back to back , linking our elbows together and try to stand up and sit down again

What's your favourite colour


My favourite colour is blue. What's your favourite animal or bird

My favourite animal is bat. It's a mammal


Because it can fly at night. What would you like to be when you grow up

I would like to be a doctor


To take care of sick peopl


- Al Ayyalah

What is your name

My name is ........... How old are you

I'm ....... Years old. Where do you live

I live in .......... What is the celebratin in National Day


Al Ayyalah routine is celebrated in National Day


In U.A.E and many other countries. What are they doing

Some are holding their sticks up and some are hitting the drums

How are they moving

They are moving up and down, left and right. What do they wear

They wear Kendura. What is the traditional food you can eat? I can eat; Porridge ödyar , Mash am glows yo and Belalayt

. بلاليط

How many drums are there

There are three small drums and a big drum. What do you hold, drum or stick? I hold the drum. With whom do you do the routine

I do the routine with my friends. Is AL Ayyalah easy or difficult ? It's difficult


Why ? Because, it needs practice. Do you like Al Ayyalah ? Yes, I do


What's your name

My name is...... How old are you

 I'm .........years old. Where do you live

I live in .........

Do you have friends

Yes, I have

What's your best friend's name

My best friend's name is ........

 Do you like playing with him

Yes, I like playing with him

What's your favourite game you like playing together


We like playing up and down game. What are you doing in this game

We are sitting on the floor, back to back linking our elbows together, trying to stand up and sit down again

Is it easy or difficult ? why

It is easy, because the movements are simple

Do you have fun

Yes, I have fun


4/ difference between mammals and birds

Mammals are animals that has fur and teeth. Most mammals have four legs like; Kangaroo ), Bear and Tiger i Other mammals have two legs like; people wyl. All mammals give birth. Bat is also a mammal .It can fly .It has two legs, but it doesn't has feathers .It doesn't also lay eggs

Birds are animals that have two legs, two wings and feathers. Most of birds can fly;like Parrot clé , Crow

other birds نسرand Eagle بومه Owl,عصفور Sparrow غراب

band Ostrich Loki.Birds lay

cannot fly; like Penguin eggs


Your friend, or your brother / your son) Welbell wa

ونكتب اسمنا ( اسم المرسل )

Write a letter to your friend thanking him for helping you in studying for exams. Dear friend, stödua pul Sigl

Thank you for helping me in studying for exams

I solved all questions. It was easy. You are my best friend. Your friend, .............. Show

Write a letter to your fiend , say that you are sorry for being late for his party. Say that you were working late at night. Dear friend

I'm sorry that I was late for your party.I was working late at night I won't do this again. I hope you spent a great time

Your friend


She is dancing

He was running

ملحوظة: أي فعل يأتي بعد فعل اخر يضاف اليها الفعل الثاني

( ing )

He finished eating

They go swimming

Hala practises speaking English


ملحوظه : لاضافه ( ing )

للفعل اذا كان الفعل منتهي بحرف من الحروف الساكنه مسبوقة بحرف من الحروف المتحركه

( A / I / o / U / E )

فيتم تكرار الحرف الساكن قبل اضافه

( ing )

Run running

Swim swimming

Hop hopping


ملحوظه أي فعل يأتي بعد

( ing ) يضاف اليها good at

I'm good at swimming. I'm good at drawing

فعل الأمر : هو فعل يأتي في اول الجمله يأمر بفعل شيء معين و يكون الفعل في المصدر بدون أي إضافات

Do your homework

Run quickly. Study hard

Turn left

ملحوظة : أي فعل يأتي بعد

(is / am / are / was / were )

يضاف اليها

( ing )

و تدل على استمرارية حدوث الفعل.

He is playing football


الا في بعض الحالات عندما ينتهي الفعل ب

( y / x / w )

لا يحدث أي تغير و لا يتكرر الحرف الأخير

Play Fix Draw

playing fixing


اما عند اضافه

( ing )

لاي فعل تنتهي ب


e ويضاف

ساکنه (e) أي يتم الوقوف على الحرف الذي يسبقه صوتيا فيحذف


writing making


Hope Bounce

hoping bouncing

ملحوظة : أي فعل يأتي بعد

( can /can't / must / mustn't )

يكون في المصدر بدون أي إضافات

He can run quickly. They can't play football



.Go straight then turn right يمين

That's right

A Left

.Raise up your left hand يسار

I have left my bag in the school تركت


لدي الم في ظهري .I have pain in my back

The hospital is back to my school


Questions and paragraphs writing

-your self What's your name

My name is Khaled. How old are you


Unit one

Working together

Ayyalah = a traditional dance

تقليدي Routine = traditional


شارك الملف

آخر الملفات المضافة

أكثر الملفات تحميلا