تلخيص الوحدة الثانية علوم منهج إنجليزي صف ثالث



Lesson 1: Plant Life Cycles 


seed: structure that can grow into a new plant

embryo: young plant

germinate: begin to grow

flower: plant structure that makes seeds

pollination: movement of pollen from the male part of a flower to a female part

Fruit: structure that holds seeds

cones: plant structures that make seeds

spores: not a seed but can make a new plant

bulb: underground stem


?How do plants grow

 plants need a seed to grow

 A young plant is called an embryo 

?How do plants make seeds 

plants that use flowers to make seeds are called flowering plants

pollination- the movement of pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part

?What is a plant’s life cycle

 how a plant germinates, grows and reproduces is known as a PLANT LIFE CYCLE 

?How do plants grow without seeds 

plants that do not make seeds have SPORES

Plants can grow from white spots or “eyes” on a potato plant

other plants grow from an underground stem called a bulb


LESSON SUMMARY Lesson 2: Animal Life Cycles 


metamorphosis: change through a process

egg: contains food for the young gives protection

hatches: breaking out of the shell


?.What is some animal life cycles 

life cycle of the frog • life cycle of the ladybug

life cycle of the:

sea turtle



?How do reptiles, fish, and birds change as they grow 

reptiles, fish and birds do not go through metamorphosis

they look similar to adults of their kind when they hatch


?What is the life cycle of a mammal 

most mammals do not hatch from eggs

they are born alive

they look like their parents

they grow stronger and lose fat

they grow into adults that can reproduce


LESSON SUMMARY Lesson 3: From Parents to Young 


trait: a feature of a living thing

heredity: passing on of traits from parents to young

inherited traits: traits that come from parents

(offspring: an organism’s young (the babies

learned traits: new skills that organisms learn


What are inherited traits 

inherited traits are traits that come from parents-a flowers shape and color, eye color, number of legs

Which traits are not inherited 

learned traits are not inherited- we have to learn them

riding a bicycle

learning a language

learned traits are not passed from parent to child



LESSON SUMMARY Lesson 4: Food Chains and Food Web 


ecosystem: environment where living and nonliving things interact

food chain: shows how energy moves from one organism to another

producer: can make its own food

consumer: an organism that eats other organisms

decomposer: an organism that breaks down dead plant and animal material

food web: food chains that connect

predators: hunt other organisms

prey: what predators hunt

herbivores: eat only plants

carnivore: eats other animals

herbivore: eats plants and animals


?What is an ecosystem 

an environment where living and nonliving thongs live together and interact

.What is a food chain

a food chain shows how energy passes from one organism to another

?What is a food web 

food chains that connect

?Why are decomposers important 

decomposers eat dead material

They release nutrients into water or soil

nutrients help plants and other organism to grow

worms. mold, mushrooms and some insects and snails are decomposers 


LESSON SUMMARY Lesson 1: Technology 


technology: all the ways people change nature to meet their needs

system: a group of parts that work together to solve a problem

scientific advance: an important scientific discovery

globalization: the way technology makes the world seem smaller


What is technology 

the ways in which people change nature to meet their needs

computers, phones and cars are technology

A system is a group of parts that work together to solve a problem

?How do communication systems connect people 

a communication system has four basic parts 





communication systems help us connect to other people- sending an email, making a call

?How is technology used in medicine 

we use a stethoscope

we use x-rays

MRI’s lets doctors look inside the body

PROSTHETICS- artificial limbs that people who have lost legs or arms can use


?How will technology shape the future 

we don’t know, but we can predict

the internet will improve

people might rely more on solar power rather than fossil fuels



 LESSON SUMMARY Lesson 2: The Design Process


design process: a series of steps for developing products and processes for solving problems

prototype: life size working model

patent: permission to claim a solution as your own


?What are the steps in the design process


identify the problem

thinking of solutions- BRAINSTORM

build a model

test your model

communication- share how you solved the problem

?What is the last step in the design process 

communication- you need to tell people how you solved a problem



Lesson 3: Technology and the Environment 


Lesson 3: Technology and the Environment


ethics: rules

conserve: use resources wisely

landfills: places where garbage is dumped

biodegradable: garbage that breaks down quickly and naturally 


?How does technology impact society 

technology has changed society 

sometimes we get positive results and sometimes negative results

example: computers make communication easier-POSITIVE • computers can be used to steal your personal information-NEGATIVE 

?How does technology affect nature 

technology can have good and bad effects on the environment 


DDT is a chemical that kills weeds and pests- GOOD EFFECT 

DDT can also poison water. this affected fish and birds -BAD EFFECT 


?How is technology helping to protect the environment 

landfills have been designed 

Some garbage is biodegradable- apple cores, banana peels and paper 

New technology is helping to turn trash into fuel 

Landfills give off methane gas 

Scientists collect the gas and it can be used as energy 


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