مواضيع لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني


مواضيع لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني

مرفق لكم  مواضيع  لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني يحتوي هذا الملف على موضوعات  في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف السابع الفصل الدراسي الثاني، مناهج دولة الأمارت .

محتويات ملف مواضيع  لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني كالآتي :

حيث يوجد داخل الملف العديد الموضوعات ومنها :

 : ( Write a holiday plan (Unit11

Hello, I'm Dana. This year, I'm going to New York City with my family. We're going to stay in an apartment in the centre of the city. I love sightseeing and there are lots of great things to see there. Central park is one of the famous places in New York City. I also like playing tennis, so I'm going to go to the tennis courts in the park!

Also, I'm going on a beach holiday because I enjoy beach holidays. We will do lots of swimming and maybe some fishing. I'll miss my friends, but I'll see them when I get home,

 : (Write about your favourite kind of holiday (Unit 11

There are different types of holidays such as: beach holiday. Island holiday. adventure holiday, sporting holiday, camping holiday, sailing holiday

For me, I love going on beach holiday because I enjoy beach holiday.. We stay in a large hotel close to the beach. We get there by plane. I don't mind flying but my dad hates it. I enjoy reading a book on the beach, but I prefer swimming in the sea. It's my favourite thing to do on holiday

My dad loves fishing and sailing. His favourite thing to do on holiday is to go on a fishing trip in the ocean Going on a holiday is interesting and exciting for me,


Write about the weather in the VAE (Unit 12)

The UAE is one of the countries that has two seasons. summer and winter The hot season is summer because the temperature is very high it can ruch above a very hot 45 C in July and August. and you can't go out for long time

The most beautiful season is the winter. Because the weather iS very nice. the temperature is around 20 C in the day of winter months January and Febrnt-y

It s not hot or so cold. I like this season because I can play in the parks with my friends. Also. I can go to the sea to swim in the cold water. I enjoy the rain fall and sometimes I play in it. There isn't much rain in the IJAE

The (JAE is so dry that are sometimes sandstorms. which can be a problem There was snow for the first time in the UAE in 2004

Write about the climate change ( unit 12 The of the world is changing because of the increasing global warming

Scientists think that the Earth is getting warmer: this iS because there is more greenhouse from driving so many cars and building so rcny factories If the Earth gets warmer. it causes c lot of problems for our natural world

Global warming can cause extreme weather conditions Heatwaves, floods, hurricanes. sandstorms and thunderstorm are all types of extreme weather and they are happing more often We need to stop and to make our planet safer.( How to stop global 1- We need to Stop using our cars so much We can do this by walking. cycling and trying to use public transport rather than taking the car

- We can try to find energy in ways that are friendly to the environment For example we can get energy from the Sun and wind

- We can try to save energy by turning off anything that uses electricity we are not using it and by taking showers instead of baths


• What is renewable energy

• Where does it come from

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable resmrces

There are different forms of energy. Most of the energy used in homes and industry comes from fossil fuels. Coal. oil and mturol are all fossil fuels

They are called non- renewable because it takes millions of years to rrnke or renew them. So. we must reduce the amount of non-renewable fuels that we We need to find other forms of energy that will never run out. These forms of energy are called renewable. Examples of these are energy from the sun ( sohr power) .water ( hydro power) Earth s heat ( ) and the wind ( wind

Renewable energy doesn't run out. it's forever; it can be used again and agaim It s called green power and clean power because it doesn't pollute the air or water. So it's friendly to the environment. But. we don't use renewable energy all the time because we can't keep wind and sunshine to use whenever we need to tmke more electricity

Also. it costs more money to make electricity from renewable resources and people don't want higher electricity bills Using fossil fuels are cheaper

Energy is very important in our life .We can't live without energy


are different forms of energy. Most of the energy used in homes comes from fossil fuels. Cml. oil and are all fossil fuels I-ney are called non- renewable because it takes millions of years to rake or renew them. so. we rust reduce the amount of non-renewable fuels that we The non-renewable energy will run out. It doesn't forever. It causes pllution

it pollutes the attMSphere. Burnirg fossil fuels greenhouse 9ses and causes to global warming

The advantages of using rwn- renewable energy are: It' s very cheap. efficient it can produce a lot of energy in a short time

Energy is very imprtant in our life. we can't live without energy

Write about a thunderstorm) (Unit 12) Thunderstorm is a storm with lighting and thunder

Thunder and lightning always go together because thunder is the sound is by lightning. This means that lightning is always followed by thunder

When a thunderstorm is a long way. you might see the lightning but you might not hear the thunder

Thunderstorms happen more often in hot climates and more in summer than in winter

When you see lightning, start counting one. two. three for each second

Continue counting until you hear thunder . Three seconds are about the same as one kilometer. But if you only count one or two seconds before you hear thunder. the storm is very close. Take care

مواصفات ملف مواضيع  لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني كالتالي : 

  • نوع الملف : تدربيات
  • الصف : السابع
  • المادة : اللغة الانجليزية
  • عدد الصفحات: 10 صفحات
  • صيغة الملف : pdf بي دي اف

صفحة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على الفيسبوك ( تابعنا )

قناة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على التليجرام ( تابعنا ) 

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