أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني


أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني

مرفق لكم  أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني  يحتوي هذا الملف على اسئلة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف السابع الفصل الدراسي الثاني، مناهج دولة الأمارت .

محتويات ملف أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني كالآتي :

حيث يوجد داخل الملف العديد من الاسئلة ومنها :

أقرأ النص ثم أجب علي الاسئلة :

 : Text A: An Ordinary Girl

 : An Ordinary Girl
"Good morning, girls. Today, we have an interesting assignment," announced Ms. Muna, the Grade 10 English teacher. She had a soft voice and was friendly. Her lessons were always interesting and all the girls at Al Shawamekh School liked her very much. She was their favourite teacher. As the girls stared at Ms. Muna eagerly, she said, "Today I am giving you a different assignment. You will write about yourself. You can write a poem, a legend or an essay. I want you to show me, the real you. Oh, and just one more thing - if everyone completes the assignment and turns it in, we will go to Yas Water World on a school trip!"

That evening, Fatema thought about the assignment and what she could write about. She was an average girl who had never won a single prize. She did not have any special talents or abilities like the heroes she had read about in her History class - the heroes who had saved peoples' lives and helped others in need. Still, Fatema was a kind and caring girl. She had many friends and they often asked for her advice

No-one knew that Fatema enjoyed reading. She loved English. She liked words - long and short ones. Every time she came across a new word, she would look it up in the dictionary. She loved stories and would make notes in her special notebook that her grandmother gave her. Fatema admired her grandmother. Her grandmother was a good and brave person, who many people liked. Fatema, however, thought that she was just an ordinary girl. No-one seemed to notice her. Fatema opened her notebook and began thinking. After some time, she started writing


Text A: Salim's Discovery

Salim's Discovery

Many centuries ago, there was a boy, named Salim, who lived in Egypt. He lived in a small house along the Nile River. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Many families worked and lived along the Nile
the land was fertile and rich. Salim's father was a farmer who planted seeds along the river. The soil was good for growing crops. He harvested dates, onions, leeks, and beans. Now, times were gocxi for the
families who worked along the Nile. However, six years ago, there was very little water - it hadn't rained for years - So Salim's brother had left horr,e to earn a living for the family. Since then, Salim had not seen his brother and missed him a lot. Salim's brother now worked on the Nile, as a merchant transporting gold, papyrus, and cloth

Salim often walked down to the river at the end of the day. It gave him time to think about his family and how well they were doing and how life was good. They had water for cooking and bathing and gtXd soil for growing fruits and vegetables. However, his thoughts quickly turned to his oldest brother. He missed their evening talks. Often, they had talked about traveling to different countries. He was a hero to Salim

One hot evening, Salim went down to the river. As Salim walked along the river, he saw two boats in the distance on the river bank. A group of men were loading fruit, grain, and nets onto the txats. One of the workers waved at Salim. Salim walked over and greeted the five men. He asked their journey

The men were sailing down the Nile to take their fruit and grain to the next village. Salim thought that this would a great He wanted to go with the men and search for his brother. He ran home to ask his father if he could go Salim promised that he would return in three weeks. His father knew that, although Salim his life  the river With his familv. he sad When he thought Of his After two weeks of traveling down the Nile River, the reached a port. Although Salim had not found his brother and wanted to continue on the journey. he remembered his promise to his father. He must return in three weeks. Salim thanked the men for their help and left the boat

Salim looked out into the distance. He could see the dry desert, but the land by the river was green and full of life. continued walking. He walked for manv days through the green land beside the river, At the end Of three weeks, Salim reached the coast. In the distance, Salim a large Ship sailing towards him. He wondered what the ship was carrying and if his brother might be on the As the ship arrived at the he noticed a familiar face amongst the crowd. It was his brother. Salim shouted, waving his arms in greeting. His brother turned around and smiled. The two brothers ran towards each other and hugged. Salim's brother shared the happy news that he had earned enough money for their family and could return home. The brothers walked together towards the Nile. They were to return to their family and their old way of life. Salim discovered that he admired his brother even more


A3. Look at paragraph I

'She was their favourite teacher

What part of speech is 'favourite

A. adverb

B. verb

C. adjectiv

D. noun

A4. Which word best describes Fatema at the start of the text

A. popular

B. unfriendly

C. tired

D. nice

A5. By the end of the text, what had Fatema learned about herself

A. She was just like everyone else

B. She had special abilities and talents

C. She was the best student in the class

D. She had poor writing skills


مواصفات ملف  أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني كالتالي : 

  • نوع الملف : تدربيات
  • الصف : السابع
  • المادة : اللغة الانجليزية
  • عدد الصفحات: 17 صفحة
  • صيغة الملف : pdf بي دي اف

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