مفردات وقواعد ومواضيع وحدة 12 story time خامس


مفردات وقواعد ومواضيع وحدة 12 story time لغة إنجليزية صف خامس فصل ثالث

Vocabulary words

Lazy  كسول     -      Farmمزرعة    -     Rhyming wordsالقافية         -      Moral أخلاقي

Dig يحفر    -    Gold ذهب   -    Treasure كنز    -     Take care يهتم ب

Resolution الحل    -      Problem مشكلة      -         Setting أحداث         -     Turned the soil يقلب التربة

Test اختبار     -     Sensible مسؤول      -     Garden حديقة      -      Ending نهاية

Look for يبحث عن       -       Snack وجبة خفيفة     -    Honest  صادق      -    Prepare  يجهز-يعد

A bad stomach ألم المعده       -    Headache صداع    -    Look after يعتني ب     -     Trick مزحة-خدعة

Scorpion عقرب     -     Camping تخييم    -    Truth الصدق      -   Believe يصدق

Hide  يختبئ    -   Snakes ثعابين    -   Strange noise صوت غريب   -   Scared خائف

Little by little شيئا فشيئا    -    Postcard بطاقة بريد    -   Squeezed يعصر-يضغط    -   Tummy  البطن

Dots  نقط    -   Twinkle يتألأل    -   Bright المع    -      Late متأخر      -       Grass عشب

Wonder  نتساءل      -        Holesفتحات

Characters: people in a story-

Farm: a place with trees and animals-

Ending: the way a story finishes-

Setting: the place where a story happens-

Problem: something that is difficult-

Dig: to make a hole in the earth-

Moral: when a story teach us a lesson-

Sensible: do the right thing-

Grass: small green plants in a park or garden-

Sad: opposite of happy-

Cup: something you use to drink coffee or tea-

Laugh: ha, ha, ha-

Go: opposite of stop-

Write a personal short story

One day mom told me that she wanted to take me to the park for a picnic. "What a wonderful day", I said. First, we went to buy all things we need from supermarket. Then, we packed everything in the car. Next, we arrived to the park and we took the things out. We were excited, but suddenly, it started to rain heavily. We put our things quickly in the car till the rain stopped and we resumed our picnic till night. Later, we went back home, I felt very happy

Another story

One day, I went camping with my family last week First, we drove to the desert. Then, we put up a tent and started to cook. While I was talking to my sister, we heard a noise. We felt very scared so we screamed and ran. We thought it was scorpion, but we found out that my brother who made a trick. At the end, we were tired, so we went back home and slept. What a wonderful day out.

Another story

Once upon time, there was a speedy rabbit and a turtle. They made a race. The rabbit ran down the track quickly so he decided to have a nap. The turtle was slow, but he did not stop. He came to the finish line while the rabbit was sleeping. The animals cheered loudly. The rabbit woke up and began to run again, but it was too late. Turtle won the race

Write a paragraph about a camping trip

Last week I went with my friends to camp in the forest. We travelled by car. The weather was very nice. We took some food and water and all things we need for camping. First, we put up the tent. Then, we went for hiking. After that, we took a rest and ate some food. We enjoyed the morning there I loved the fresh air, the smell of trees and the sounds of birds. Finally, we decided to go back home. It was a marvelous day.

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