حل درس WEATHER PATTERN العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثالث
When George woke up, there were dark clouds in the sky. On his way to school, it rained. When he walked home from school with his friends, the Sun was shining. There were white clouds in the sky. George and his friends had different ideas about the clouds
This is what they said
George: I think the dark douds are the only ones that contain water
Kamila: I think dark and Mite duds contain water. Only the Jenna: I dont thnk any duds can hold water if the Sun is shiüg White clouds do not contain water
Which friend do you agree with most
Explain why you agree
Check oun Moving Clous see the in
Talk About It
Look at the pecture and watch the video Moving. What kind Of weather is the picume stuwing ? What kind Of weather this have a picture to show your pecture . predction-
is what the air is like outside at a certain time and piace- Even though you cannot see air . you can see E¯iEngs. such as leaws on trees. Weather changes from day to day. It can also change from hour to
The air that surrounds Earth is part Of the. atmosphere
The atmosphere is a blanket ot gases and tiny bits Of a surrou layers. Weather occws in the layer closest to Earth
Temperature When describe weather. they describe the concftion of the sky. Some terms used sunny cloudy. riny. arxi sbrn They also descrüe air and its Temperature is a measure Of how hot or cold is. A thermometer is a tool that rneasures ternperature. The on the next page shows how to read a thermometer. A hiver temperatre means it is getting When the temperature goes down. it gets coloder
Partly cloudy
Mostly sunny
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Describing and Measuring Weather
Air is ono rnoasumoment ot PreciP1taoon. and pressure arso oescritX weaner. wnen one ot tnese racrrs cnanqes. so coes tne iS water tnat rans to tne tans as wnen tne air tornporaturo warmer tnan oc (32T)
A procipitation roans Mien rari tans trvougn a ayoc ot rroonnq-coa snow s maoo ot ico crystats. Hail vorms wnon ran troozes ana iS tossed aoout in a tan Air messue Ai pressure is tno rocco Of air
oown on artn.uo atner repor s o n escn au pressure. use a toot baromotoc to moasuro air prossuro Wind Wind is movinq air it is caused by in au pressure. SC lentjst nwasuto now tast tne wirx' is bowtnq witn an anomornotor Because wtrasn tne to east
weatmr win usuary move trom west to east as wen What ts the rabonstvp betvæen Wind and pressure
Wind moves fromx high pressure area to low area
Rain Wind Barometer
Predicting Weather
Knowing the weather he'ps peop'e stay safe. pilots stxiy the weather to füui if it is safe to take Off arxf in area of can peose to find shelter. to predict the weather- For a weather balloon is a tool that is launched into the air. It carries devices that collect data the mosphere- A satellite is a that scentrsts put toto It travels around Earth and collects data over very large areas. A sate"ite storrns oer the ocean. Scientists then use abCAJt the to wtwre ttæ storm next- Sciertists use the they cogect and past an area to credct what the WiB be löoe in that ea
They the is mostly Eke a partic.Aar morgh or even a Scientists use tools to predict weather balloons Weather satellit
Meteorologists on wc.attlöt Tnvy Meteorobqtsts study the ottects ot woatnor in tnot local commumtios ana around tno country. Tney read weatnet charts ana information on past væatner conaitons to create weatnet reports. They report predjcuons tot precoitatjom temperatures. and wind. They are very good at tneit data and tinaings. Cutino weather occadcasts. thoy use maps 'vo weatnor potoms to people ana mako lot now to prep lor cays arcad
It's Your Turn
As a broadcast meteorologist. what titormation wousa you need to nave order to create a broadcast about your local weatner ? What would you snow people to help them understand tne forecast