مراجعة Unit 8 مع الحل الرياضيات منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني


مراجعة Unit 8 مع الحل الرياضيات منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

Unit 8

Unit Assessment, Form B


Olive has $4.60 in dimes. Which equation shows how many dimes Olive has

A. 4.60 + 0.01 = 460 dimes  C. 4.60 + 0.1 = 46 dimes

B. 4.60 + 0.01 = 46 dimes    D. 4.60 + 0.1 = 460 dimes

Marvin rides his bicycle 83 miles in 10 days. If he rides the same amount of miles each day, how many miles does he ride each day

A. 0.834 mile   C. 83.4 miles

B. 8.34 miles   D. 834 mile

Which equations show a reasonable estimate for the quotient 4.48 + 0.07 using powers of 10 and compatible numbers Choose all that apply

A. 42 + 7 = 6     c. 400 + 10 = 40

B. 40 ÷ 10 = 4    D. 420 ÷ 7 = 60

Lea is selecting a membership at the new gym. The gym offers different monthly plans based on the number of hours spent there each week

Cost per Month

Plan 1  $61.75

Plan 2  $72.50

Plan 3  $20.99

Hours at the Gym per Week 7 hours 10 hours 4 hours Which plan has the lowest cost per hour at the gym each week

A. Plan 1      C. Plan 3

B. Plan 2      D. All plans are the same

A. 0.8 ÷ 3.2 = 4

0.2 ÷ 4 = 0.8 B

c. 3.2 ÷ 4 = 0.8

D. 32 ÷ 0.8 = 40

6. What is the quotient of 0.40 + 5

A. 80

c. 0.8

D. 0.08

. Which is an equivalent representation of 2.8 ÷ 7

A. 28 tens ÷ 7

B. 28 ones ÷ 7

C. 28 tenths ÷ 7

D. 28 hundredths ÷ 7

. Harry uses 4.92 pounds of fruit to make 6 bowls of fruit salad. He uses the same amount of fruit in each bowl. How much fruit does Harry use to make each bowl of fruit salad  0.82 pound

Unit 8

Unit Assessment, Form B (continued)


What is the quotient of 30





Evelyn runs 12 miles. She runs 0.2 mile each minute. How many minutes does it take Evelyn to run 12 miles

6 minutes

24 minutes

60 minutes

120 minutes

Which division problem is equivalent to 9.72 ÷ 0.27

972 ÷ 2.7

972 ÷ 27

97.2 ÷ 27

9,720 ÷ 27

Marcus completed a 14.4-mile race in 2.4 hours. If he ran the same amount of miles each hour, how many miles did Marcus run each hour   6 miles

. Cora says 4 + 0.05 has the same quotient as 40 + 5. How do you respond to him Sample answer: If 4 changes to 40, then 0.05 needs to change to 0.5, not 5. These two expressions will not have the same quotient

. A restaurant has 3 pounds of carrots to use on the salads they make. Their recipe calls for 0.5 pound of carrots for each salad The restaurant makes 10 salads. Will the restaurant have enough carrots to make this number of salads or will they run out Explain your answer

They will not have enough; Sample answer: To solve 3 ÷ 0.5, I wrote the equivalent expression 30 ÷ 5. The restaurant will only have enough for 6 salads, so the restaurant will not be able to make 10 salads with the available carrots

. Kyra wants to buy tiles to cover 10 square yards of wall space She can choose from three sizes of tiles


Area covered by I tile

0.1 square yard

0.25 square yard

0.4 square yard

Kyra wants to use fewer than 30 tiles. Which tiles would allow her to do this ? Show your work

Tile C; Sample answer: I divided 10 by the area covered by one tile of each size: 10 + 0.1 = 100, 10 ÷ 0.25 = 40, and 10 ÷ 0.4 = 25. Since 25 tiles is the only number of tiles fewer than 30, she should buy Tile C

156 Assessment Resource Book


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