دليل المعلم Place Value and Number Relationships الرياضيات منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس

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دليل المعلم Place Value and Number Relationships الرياضيات منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس


Number Lines

Students develop number sense by estimating decimal on  line

1. work in pairs to discuss and record their ideas for Exercises 1—2. Then share ideas with the class

 What sort of real-world situations might the numbers represent

 What do you notice about the numbers

. Have students complete Exercise 3. writing each as a whole fraction. or You may want to mention that fractions with a denom inator of 10 or are called decirnal frxüms

. In Exercise 4, have students work in to find an estimated on the line

 What tick marks wuld be useful to to the number line before plotting the

. After students graph the points, tour the class to view the other students' work. Ask them note similarities and fferences among the lines

. Have students share what they observed with the class. Discuss any miscmceptions

. Ask to read from smallest to greatest Encourage ttwn to correctly. For example, should read 1.2 as and two tenths (rather than. say as tm)

 Explain why is 1.2 equal to 1.20

 How would you determine which two numbers are closest together

(excluding the two num tkrs that are equal)



Students and contrast thülking abwt the value each in a whole represents

Which Doesn't Belong

• Which doesn't belong

Teaching Tip Place- value charts may guide students towards comparing and contrasting these by place value

Pose Purposeful Questions

The questions that follow are not intended to be asked in the They are meant to help students' thinking about the value each in a whole number represents and are based on comments and questions students may make during the share out

 Which numbers have a 7 in the tens plm-e ? Explain what the digit 7 represents in those numbers

 For the number that does not have a 7 in the tens place. explain what each digit 7 represents in that number

 How can you give positive feedback to your classmates today

Self-Awareness: Self- Confidence

Thrwghout the Which Belong? routine. provide opportunities. students to fæl confident in themselves. Model and giving psitive feecmack for sharing ideas. effort. or creative thinking. Make sure students understand that students can also helpful and active members of the classrwm community. Remind students that some tasks are more challenging than others. and they can demonstrate self-confidence by speaking up and asking for help if they need it. Throughout their work with eneralizing value. continue to other opportunities to allow studns to give positive feedback to their classmates

Transition to Explore & Develop

Ask questions that focus students' attention on the value of each digit a whole number

Establish Goals to Focus Learning

 Let's think about what each digit in a number represents and compare them


Notice & Wonder

• What do you notice

• What do you wonder

Teaching Tip You may want to have students record things they notice and wonder before sharing their ideas with the class

Pose Purposeful Questions

The questions that low are intended to asked in the sequence presented. They are meant to help students' noticing of the. representatbns presented and are based on possble comments and questions students may make during the share out-

 How does the amount shaded change from square to square

 Have you seen this type of representation before ? If so, when did pu use it?

 What are some ways you can avoid or manage stress

Self-Regulation: Manage

After students have completed the Notice & Wonder routine, invite them to share what may have caused them stress- For exarnple. students may have experienced stress if they not understand a peer's reasoning for the patterns they notice struggled with describing the patterns they noticed Discuss ways students can avoid that stress in the future as well as how they cm manage or relieve it now. such as developing a manageable plan. organized, taking breaks, and asking for help can help students manage emotional reutions to stress

Transition to Explore & Develop

Ask questions that focus students' attention on the part of he whole squMe that is shaded

Establish Goals to Focus Learning

 Let's think about what part of the squares are and ways we can represent place value in decimal num tprs


Devebping / Expanding Use manipulatives such. as counting chips to support students' understanding of the terms greater than, jess than, and compare. Put two unequal groups of counting chips on the table. Say rm going to compare these two groups. Count each group and say the numbers aloud. Point to the group with m ore and say This group has more chips. (5/ is greater than [31 Point to the group with fewer chips and say This group has fewer chips. {3 is Jess than {5. Have students repeat the task, using the counting chips, by having them compare two groups using greater than or Jess than



Purpose Students compare and contrast backpacks. thinking about how to coms»re decimal numbers

Notice & Wonder

• How are they the same

• How are they different

Teaching Tip You may want to implement a Turn and Talk routine which allows students to think about the problem and then turn to a classmate to talk about their thinking. This provides students an opportunity to engage in student -to -student discourse before sharing ideas with the whole group

Pose Questions

The questions that fdlow are not to be asked in the presented. They are meant to help aevance studlts thinking about how to compare decimal numbers and are based on possble comments. questions students may make during the share out

 How are the place values of the numbers similar ? How are they different

 How did you decide that the bags have different weights


 How can you recognize and respond to the emotions of others

Social Awareness: Recognize Emotions of Others

After the Notice & Wonder routine, invite students to share and discuss the. emotbns they have as they compared the weights of the bwkbags. Collectively diuss how emotions may make them feel Engaging in their ings can help students undstmd, and respond to the others

Transition to Explore & Develop

Ask questions that focus students' attltion on to decimal Establish Goals to Focus Learning

 Let's think about how to compare decimal numbers

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