امتحان تحدث لغة إنجليزية صف ثاني فصل ثاني

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امتحان تحدث لغة إنجليزية صف ثاني فصل ثاني

مرفق لكم امتحان تحدث لغة إنجليزية للصف الثاني فصل ثاني يحتوي هذا الملف على اسئلة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثاني الفصل الدراسي الثاني، مناهج دولة الأمارت .

Speaking Part 1 (1-2-1 set up) In Part one you should aim to ask a minimum of three and maximum of four questions per student. Part 1 should not last longer than 2 minutes. Move on to F 2 without asking 4 questions if necessary

Interlocutor's script

 Interlocutor: Good morning afternoon

 Now, in this first part I'm going to show you a picture and ask you some questions.

 Show student Source 1: Picture

 : Initial Question

? What can you see in the picture 

( What is this man doing? ( point to man in red shirt

( What is this man doing? ( point to man in tractor 

? Which animals lay eggs 

? Where are the ducks

 ? What are the girls doing

( What is this man doing? ( point to man by tree

? Do you like the taste of dates

( Back-Up Question ( if necessary

? Can you see some farm animals

is he picking a plant

 ? Is he driving a tractor

 ? Do sheep lay eggs

 ? Are the ducks on the grass? Are the girls feeding the birds? Is he picking dates

? Do dates taste sour

:  Speaking Part 2 

(1-2-1 set up  )

In Part Two you should aim to ask a minimum of three and maximum of four questions per student. Part 2 should not last longer than 2 minutes

Interlocutor's script

( Interlocutor : Now in this second part I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself ( choose from any of the questions below

 : Initial Question

 ? How does (object) feel  

(Have a selection of soft and hard objects)

? Do you like the smell of flowers 


? Do you like the taste of lemons 

? How do we use our five senses 

? What's your favorite food 

? How does (student's favorite food watermelon / yogurt / ice cream) taste 

? What's your favorite farm animal

مواصفات ملف امتحان تحدث لغة إنجليزية للصف الثاني فصل ثاني كالتالي : 

  • نوع الملف : حلول درس
  • الصف : الثاني
  • المادة : اللغة الانجليزية
  • عدد الصفحات: 4 صفحات
  • صيغة الملف : pdf بي دي اف

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