أوراق عمل REVISION QUESTIONS مع الحل العلوم الصف الخامس الفصل الأول

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أوراق عمل REVISION QUESTIONS مع الحل العلوم الصف الخامس الفصل الأول


. What are the three most common forms of matter

Solids, liquids, gases

 If heat is added to a liquid, what state of matter will it be

It will be gas

 Which state of matter has tightly packed particles


. Why is melting ice an example of a reversible change

Water can be frozen back to ice

. Is melting adding or removing heat energy

Removing energy

. What happens to the kinetic energy of the particles if the temperature increases

Kinetic energy increases

. What will happen to the mass of a chocolate bar after it has melted

Mass remains the same

. When a solid is changed to gas, this is called 


. When the particles are moving faster, it means they are

The temperature increases, kinetic energy increases

. What is deposition

Change from gas to solid without passing the liquid state

. Give an example of Plasma

Plasma is an ionized gas, present in sun, stars, lightning, aurora, neon lights, welding arcs

. Are melting and freezing reversible

Yes, reversible. (S to L, L to G, and S to G are all reversible)

. Are evaporation and condensation physical change

Yes, evaporation and condensation are physical changes

. Which state of matter has the highest density

Solid have the highest density

. Which state of matter has a definite shape and volume

Solids have definite shape and volume

. Which state of matter has no definite

shape but fixed volume Liquids have no definite shape but definite (fixed) volume

. Which state of matter has the strongest force between the particles

Solids have the strongest force between the particles

. Which state of matter has the weakest force between the particles

Gases have the weakest force between the particles

. Which state of matter has the lowest density and lowest mass

Solids have the lowest density and lowest mass

. Which changes of state include adding energy

Give three Melting, Evaporation, and Sublimation

. Which changes of state include removing energy


Give three Freezing, Condensation, and Deposition

. A puddle drying out shows which change of state


. Which state of matter can be compressed and squashed

Gases can be compressed and squashed

. Identify the change of state in a hair dryer being used on wet

hair. Liquid to gas

. If I have 250 grams of butter on a scale, what will be the mass of the butter after melting

 250 grams still

. If I have two beakers, Beaker A is 50 degrees and Beaker B is 100 degrees, which beaker will have faster movement of molecules

Beaker B as temperature increases, kinetic energy increases, so particles have more energy to move

What is the best example of sublimation

Solid to gas

. Snow and hail are examples of which change of state


. Arrange the three states of matter according to increasing force between particles

Gas, liquid, solid

. Arrange the three states of matter according to increasing

speed of particles. Solid, liquid, gas

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