ملخص و أوراق عمل شاملة العلوم للصف الرابع منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث
U4 -M1 -L1
ST name
Ms. Atwa A1 Messabi
QI : put correct number Of meaning near each new word
. Adaptation
. Tropism
I- Change in an environment that cause an organism to respond
The release Of water vapor through small opening stomata
- Physical trait Or behavior help an organism survive in its environment
- Plant's response to water, gravity, light and touch
- Reaction or change in behavior of an organism.y
Q2 : Choose correct answer
What are basic needs of plants ? u
A- air B- water C- Shelter D- Space E. Sunlight F- Sugar G- Nutrients
2- Which part helps a plant get
- Pine trees can reproduce with captures pollen
A- Coneshoi B- Stamens C- Flower
. ...that produce pollen or a sticky liquid that
- Why do plants found in hot, dry areas Often have smaller leaves than plants found in warm , wet
a- Smaller leaves allow plants to grow in smaller spaces
b- Smaller leaves limit the amount of transpiration that occurs
c- Smaller leaves help plants to take in more water through transpiration
d- Smaller leaves allow plants to give off more water through transpiration
-Which plant part plays the biggest role in supporting the plant
A- Flower B- leaf C- stem D- Seed
C. - If the animal is a prey animal, it could be prevented from when a predator is approaching
D- Tho animal might rely more on its sense Of smell and hearing to make up for its lost vision
-An action or movement Of the tdy that happens automatically as a reaction to something
a. Reflex b- Stimulus c. Brain
Which are connected to the peripheral nerves ? Wect all that apply
a-Tongue b- skin c- brain d. nose e-Ears
- Why its advantage that the nervous system allows animals to feel pain
a- Animal can stop doing something that harmful to it
b- Animal can continue doing something that harmful. c-Animal can't do any things
9- H0w the reacts to a stimulus
a- Sensory organs are not part of tho nervous system
b- Different sensory receptors can detect different types of stimulus from the environment
C- All animals have the same reaction to a stimulus
d- PeripheraI nerves are part of the central nervous and send messages to the brain
-Bats can be finding object by using reflected sound or
a- Sound wave b- Echolocation c. Sonar
Choose of sensory information from the environment to brain
a. Brain, sense organ , spinal cord , peripheral nerve
b. Spinal nerve, brain, sense organ
c. Sense organ, sripheral nerve, spinal cord , brain
d- Peripheral nerve, sense organ , spinal cord, brain
-How would having larger eyes benefit a nocturnal animal
a- Large eyu maybe scare off predators
b- Large eyes able to gather more light to better
c- Large eyes help allow it to sleep better during the daytime
eyes able to focus easier on shadows in the night
-How do whales, bats, and dolphins make use of echolcxation
a- They use to help scare away predators
b- They use echolocation to find and find their location
c- They use to attract mates
d- The use echolocation to let others Of theirs ecies know their location
-Farrah one Of her while playing in a sand Since her injury, her vision is very blurry. Which statement explains why the blurriness is
a- Her eye is not focusing light
c- Her eye is reflecting too much light
b- Her eye is absorbing too much light
d. Her eye is blocking some light
sends signals to the brain to as -Light enters through
a- Retina, Cornea
b- Cornea, Retina
C- Optic nerve, Retina
-Which statement helps explain the of eyes on
a. Forward-facing eyes allow to detect prey approaching from the sides
b. Sideways-facing eyes allow predators to have a wider field Of view to prey
c. Sideways-facing eyes allow predators to prey at night
d. Forward-facing eyes allow to judge the distance and of objects
-Which of animal's eye are transparent
a- Cornea and Lens
b- PupiI and Optic nerve
c- Retina and lens
-How can transparent eye part help the function of the eye
a- Light can pass through them to
b- Light can through them to reach optical nerve
c- Light can pass through them to reach brain
- What statement helps explain that light energy can from place to place
a- Light energy can travel through all typß Of materials
b- A beam Of light Off a surface
c- Light energy always requires a medium to travel a distance
d- A of sitting under a lamp the electric energy from the lightbulb
13-How rncEt light reach the eye
a- lt is transferred through waves in atmosphere
b- lt is reflEted Off another object
d- It is by the eyeball
C- It is through transparent materials
14- Light is a form of energy that
a- work
b- Lets you
C -Y0u can hear
11- System use sound wave to detect
a- Telegraph
b- Sonar
c- Radio
12- Converts sound into electronic signals which transferred through
a- Telephone
b- Telegraph
c- Satellite
- Technology that allows people to communicate wirelessly.
a- Telegraph
b- Telephone
c- Cell phone
-Satellite receive signals and strength it before transmitting back to Earth
a- Downlink
b- Uplink
c- Side link
- System represents letters digits, or other characters using zero and ones
a- Pixel
b- Binary code
-Process of writing a computer program in computer language
b- Pixel
c- Digital image
17- Smallest piece Of a digital image
a. Coding
b- Pixel
c- Digital image
18- Are made up of many pixels
a -Digital image
b. Pixel
c- Coding
- Method of communication that uses short and long signals to represent letters is
a- Echolocation
b- Binary code
c- Morse code
d- Computer programming
- Which best describes how computers send messages
a- as pattems of ones and zeros
c- as patterns of sound waves
b- as light waves through the air
deas Morse code messages
- Which type of waves can travel long distances without degrading
A- Sonar waves
b- Radio
C- Light waves
-How can we increase the distance of our communication all of Earth
a- By using radio waves in cell phones, radio towers, and satellites
b- By using electromagnetic wave in in cell phones, radio towers, and satellites
c- By using Light waves in cell phones, radio towers, and satellites
-High or low a sound can be described by its: a. Pitch