أوراق عمل English Revision الصف الحادي عشر مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث


أوراق عمل English Revision الصف الحادي عشر مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث

G II Advanced Term 3


A- Read the text and choose the correct answer

I come from a small town in Mexico and until last year had never been outside my state. Nobody in my family had travelled abroad, let alone to Europe, and yet one day last May I found myself packing my bags and heading for Britain. All I knew about the country I was going to study in was what I'd read in books and although I was excited, I was also really nervous. I packed plenty Of warm clothes because Of
the cold weather and took an umbrella because it rains everyday — at least that's what I'd heard. When I left my mother gave me some Mexican snacks to take. She said that British food was not spicy

I was also worried that I wouldn't be able to get coffee easily as I knew that everyone in Britain drank tea! Imagine my surprise when the first thing I noticed in London was the numerous coffee shops and the people sitting outside drinking coffee — it was warm and sunny! I've been here for nearly a year now and I've realised that most Of the stereotypical images I had Of Britain were based on myths

True, the British are more polite when they queue, although I don't think they like it any more than we do, and it does rain quite a bit. But most of the other stereotypes are nonsense. I haven't met anyone who stops to drink tea at 4 0'clock and the national dish isn't fish and chips. In fact, most of my British friends love spicy food, mostly Indian curries. When I think about the stereotypical views of Britain and the British I'm quite embarrassed — and I wonder what people about Mexicans


Read the text. then answer the questions below

"We must meet hate with love!" The man who said these words and fought against racism and injustice was a man who made a great difference to society. He was Martin Luther King. He definitely made a positive contribution to as he was a leader who helped provide equal opportunities for people today

Martin Luther King's famous speech' 'l have a dream' shows his passion and in equality. During this speech, he spoke about his dream for the future where there would be no prejudice against of the colour of their skin. He wanted to change unfair laws against African Americans, create more job opportunities for them, and give everyone the right to vote. He made a change through his words and actions

Additionally, Martin Luther King believed in non-violent protest. He led many non- violent marches as a way to get to listen to his message. The aim of the marches was to have the state leaders listen. They wanted the right to vote and they also wanted an end to police violence. This started the movement that led to the signing of the Civil Rights Voting Act of 1964, which gave African Americans the right to vote

The effects of Martin Luther King's actions and words can be seen in society today. Today there are many African American role-models. The success of Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, Condoleezza Rice, and Shaquille O'Neal is because of the work of Martin Luther King. By challenging social attitudes, he brought about real change What an amazing man


Reading passage 2

Health, Happiness and Harmony

Dubai Municipality has created new regulations regarding noise pollution in to complaints received from residents across the emirate. Many residents living in neighbourhoods to have cornplained the noise from low-flying planes, having suffered from poor sleep due to the noise pollution. Residents in other areas have complained of noisy construction work, often starting early in the morning and taking place over the weekends. Further complaints were received about traffic late at night, which creates high levels of noise and bright lights. The municipality decided to take action due to the volume of complaints
received and concerns over residents' health. Research has shown that light and noise pollution can cause stress, anxiety and depression, amongst other ailments. In addition, sleep deprivation has serious safety implications. Additionally, across the UAE, participation has started in a global environmental movement, Earth Hour. For those who have not heard of it, this movement began in Australia and now takes place every year. People around the world show support for environmental protection by switching off anything that consumes power for an hour


New Year in Luang Prabang, Laos

Nobody should miss Lao New Year. Ttve is Etivity wherever you mk. in the and the are full of crowds and It repreænts a bt of things — a commercial a tne to with and all. a tme to have fun

WtM I went. I not done my hornework (l a busy wmßter) and even know was New Year' I had a hotel at the minute. that was atmjt it. Where I am the I January is our New Year. and I had always thought it was the same everywhere else. But it starts on April 14 (or then. it can move by a day or tM)). There is a national h01kfiy lasting days. aRhough many treat the whole week as a hotel told me to kæp my carnera I m.Oht this is a safe city

I sad to hirn. frowning. It he and that rather than mkjng out for thieves, I would to watch out for the buckets of water throw at each other every New Year' It a *10to but in water is for and I dd want  buy a new one... water fight on the was yeat fun and adults. None of the getting water thrown at them. myseH as tourists are not an exæption' An hour would have for me. tkJt I was how it on — and on' It great to it was all in fun though and that were The next day was what is known as day of rx) day'. acØrding to the hotel I did understand at first and thought he translating wnething frorn into English. But I have online. ar%l sure enough. it iS true! The prevous day had tmn end of the last and the next year did not start until the following day

After a enjoying stunning and lovely. spicy eaten with I guess tie has gcn to tie warm the Plæe with


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