برجرافات لغة انجليزية للصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

عرض بكامل الشاشة


برجرافات لغة انجليزية للصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

Writing Grade 5 Term 3


 The invention that I like is the car. It helps. people to travel to places. People can use it to go to the malls, parks,zoo and schools. I can use it to visit my friends. I think it is very important because it is faster than the bus. I like this invention


………. Dear

Hi, How are you

 I am writing this email to tell you about a. place I have visited. I went on a trip. I went to Paris. I went with my mom, dad, sisters and brothers. I went by plane. The weather was cool. The food was good. I liked it because it is an amazing place. See you soon,

From ۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰


 I am writing to tell you about a place I have visited. I went on a trip. I went to Paris. I went with my mom, dad, sisters and brothers. I went by plane. The weather was cool. The food was good. I saw tress, mountains and grass. I saw malls and buildings .I liked it because it is an amazing place


I am writing about a person I admire. His name is Shiekh Hamdan Bin Mohamed. He was born in the UAE. He was born in 1982. He is a poet. He writes poems. I admire him because he is kind and hard working person. He loves horses. He loves to travel

Famous person

I am writing about a famous person. His name is Shiekh Hamdan Bin Mohamed. He was born in the UAE. He was born in 1982. He is a poet. He writes poems. I admire him because he is kind and hard working person. He loves horses. He loves to travel

هذه المواضيع المقترحة التي تم التدريب عليها في الفصل أرجو عدم الحفظ غيبا إنما تدريب الطالبة على الإجابة على الأسئلة الموجودة لتكون منها الموضوع المطلوب. 

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