تلخيص الوحدة الأولى علوم منهج إنجليزي صف ثالث


تلخيص الوحدة الأولى علوم منهج إنجليزي صف ثالث


Chapter 1: Be a Scientist 

hypothesis: something that can change 

variables :a statement that can be tested 

communicate: share information 

classify: put things in groups


?What do scientists do 

Scientists use many skills 

scientist make models 

scientists observe 

Scientists compare things-how do they look the same and different 

scientists classify things-put them into groups 

scientists measure 

scientists record data-write down what they observe 

Scientists INFER- use what you know to figure something out 


 CHAPTER 2: A Look at Living Things 

organism :living things 

respond :how living things react 

reproduce :make more of one’s own kind 

environment :all living and nonliving things that surround an organism 

Cells: building blocks of life 

Microscope :makes tiny things look larger 


?What are living things 

living things: 





NONLIVING THINGS do not do any of this 

?What do living things need 

food to get energy to live and grow 


Animals need oxygen 

Plants need carbon dioxide 

Space- living things need space to grow 

?What are living things made of

Living things are made of CELLS 

Cells are the building blocks of life 


CHAPTER 2: A Look at Living Things 

Lesson 2: Plants and Their Parts 

Structures: Parts

 roots :structures that take in water and nutrients. Hold a plant in place 

stem :holds up a plant

 leaf: structure where plants make food 

Photosynthesis: The process in which plants make food STUDY


Chlorophyll :a substance inside a plant this makes leaves green 


?How are plants alike 

• All plants can make their own food _PHOTOSYNTHESIS • most plants have the basic structure-roots, stem and leaves 

?What are plants

• Plants are organisms that can make their own food 

?How do roots and stems help plants 

Roots take in water and nutrients 

Stems hold a plant up 

?Why are leaves important 

leaves are where a plant makes food 

Plants make food in a process called PHOTOSYNTHEIS 


sunlight goes into the leaves 

carbon dioxide goes into the holes on leaves 

Food made inside the leaves goes through the plant 

Roots take in water and nutrients 

oxygen flows out of the plant 

?How can you classify plants 

plants are grouped by structures 


CHAPTER 2: A Look at Living Things 

Lesson 3: Animals and Their Parts 

lungs :structures that take in oxygen from the air

 Gills: take in oxygen from water 

shelter: safe place for animals


?What are animals 

animals are living things 

animals have certain traits in common 

most animals can move- fly, run, jump, swim

? How do animals get what they need 

animals have structures that help them get what they need 

Some animals have long tongues for lapping water 

birds scoop up water in their beaks 

Elephants pick up water in their trunks 

These same structures help animals get food 

Some animals have gills or lungs for breathing oxygen 

Some animals breathe through their skin- Worms and Salamanders 


How do animals stay safe 

They stay in the ground 

Groundhogs dig holes 

Lizards flatten their bodies and crawl under rocks 

some animals live in trees 

Some animals have structures that protect their bodies- Porcupines have hard sharp quills 


CHAPTER 2: A Look at Living Things 

Lesson 4: Classifying Animals 











How can you classify animals 

animals can be classified as VETERBRATES- animals that have a backbone 

INVERTERBRATES- animals with no backbones 

Tigers, dogs gold fish are VETERBRATES 

insects’ spiders’ worms and jelly fish are INVERTRBRATES 

What are some invertebrates 



sea stars 



Arthropods- insects’ spiders and lobsters ▪


soft bodies 

some have hard shells 

clams, snails and octopuses 

 Invertebrates have no bones but they have an EXOSKELETON- hard outer covering 

What are some vertebrat 


reptiles-crocodiles, turtles, snakes 

Amphibians- frogs, toads and salamanders 

fish -they breathe through gills 

What are mammals 

mammals are vertebrates with hair or fur 

they are born alive 

they look after their young 

breathe with lungs 


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