ملخص درس The Role of Decomposition العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس


ملخص درس The Role of Decomposition العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس

The Role of Decomposition


They are microorganisms

They get energy by feeding on the remain of dead animals and plants

They recycle waste matter back into the environment

They feed on waste

Ex Earthworms, bacteria and fungi

Important of decomposition

To return nutrients back to the soil, to stop dead animal and plants from piling up


Are a type of organism made up of a single cell Decomposers help plants (They rich the soil with nutrients) Fungi can sprout from the soil like plants but can't make its own food

Decomposers: Energy and other materials from dead organism are recycled back by decomposers

Fungi play three roles

Fungi are decomposer

r. break down dead orgasmic substances

V. releasing nutrients into the soil

Why decomposers are important to the environment

Decomposers play a critical role in the flow of energy through the ecosystem

They break apart dead organisms into simples' materials making

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