مراجعة هيكل العلوم امتحان العلوم inspire الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني

مراجعة هيكل العلوم امتحان العلوم inspire الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني

مراجعة هيكل العلوم امتحان العلوم inspire الصف الرابع الفصل الثاني

. Identify the statement that correctly explains what happens when energy transfers in a system

a) About 75% of the energy is transferred, while the rest is destroyed

b)All the energy is transferred in different amounts to different forms

c) Half of the energy is transferred in different amounts to different forms

d) Some of the energy gets transferred, while a portion is lost along the way

……….. Thermal energy is

a) the internal energy of an object due to the kinetic energy of its particles

b) the external energy of an object due to its potential energy

c) the internal energy of an object due to tte stored energy Of its particles

d) the external energy of an object due to its exposure to the Sun

 When a person plucks the string on a guitar, energy is transferred

Sound energy

8. Which statement is true

a) A lamp changes heat energy to electrical

b) A lamp changes light energy to electrical

c) A lamp changes electrical energy to and heat

d) You cannot change energy from one form to another

. Frank placed a metal spoon in a glass bowl of hot soup. He then went back to get crackers When he touched the spom, he was surprised to find that it was hot. Frank knew that the spoon was not hot when he put in the SOLO

Which sentence best explains how this happened

a) The radiation from the microwave bounced onto the spoon

b) Spoons begin up when they are placed into liquids

c) Thermal energy is transferred from the soup to the

. Dolphins cornmunicate using special and sounds. How is this possible

a) Dolphins have very good hearity

b) The energy can flow easily through water

c) Dolphins make loud sounds only other dolphins can hear

d) The energy is transferred from one dolphin to another through sound

11. A pom- pom launcher

a) trmsfers kinetic energy to thermal energy

b) transforms kinetic energy to sound energy

c) transforms stored energy to energy of motion

d) transfers energy of motion to stored energy

. When a student plays a guitar, how does the sound travel to reach your us

a) using echos

b) through potential energy

c) through themal energy

d) through sound waves

 How are sound waves and states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) related

a) Sound waves cannot travel through any states of

b) Sound waves can travel through all three states of

c) Sound waves can travel sofids, but not gzses or liquids

d) Sound waves can travel through liquids, but not soUds or gasses

. A boy, who was at a very loud motorcycle race, saw he could feel the motorcycles vibrate his body, even though he was not touching them. How is this possible

a) The noise was too bud for the boy

b) The boy was sRtirw very dose to the motorcycles

c) The energy was transferred to the boy's body through sound

d) The motorcycles sent electrical currents through the boy's body

. Astronauts in space cannot talk to each other unless they use a radio to speak back and forth Why is this

a) The air is thick to carry sound wave efficiently

b) The force of gravity is too strmg to allow waves to

c) There no air in space, so etere is no medium to carry

d) It is very loud in space, so they can only heu eEh other thrm a radio

. A fre truck's seen flashing lots are example Choose two answers

a) heat

b) light

c) sound

d) atemical

13. Sound ………. travel through outer space

a) Does

b) Does not

. A fan is plugged into an extension cord. The extension cord is plugged into a wall outlet. How does the extension cord help the fan work

a) The extension cord makes the fan more powerful

b) The extension cord makes the fan easier to operate

c) The extension cord transfers sound energy to the fan

d) The extension cord transfers electric currents from the outlet to the fan

2. A flow of electrical charges is known as

a) resistance

b) electrical current

c) insulator

d) voltage

. An electric fence used to contain cattle works by transmitting energy through a conductor creating an electric

a) Light

b) Sound

c) Curren

7.A switch a drcuit

a) acts as an insulator

b) electricity

c) dlows ot stops the flow of electricity

d) keeps the flow of electricity at a safe level

. An object an electrical circuit that resists the flow of energy is called

a) a magtt

b) a compass

c) a voltage

d) a resistor

. Will the fight bub in tNs circuit Vltmd why / why

a) no, because the switch is

b) yes, beause it has batteries

c) no, beause the bdb is birned out

d) yes, because it is in a drcuit

. The path a10N which electrical current flows is called a(n) CIRCUIT

. It is very outside, and you walk barefoot on pavement. Predict what will happen in this scenario

a) The transfer of heat energy from the pavement will cause feet to feel hot

b) The transfer of light energy from the pavement win cause your feet to feel hot

c) The transfer of light energy from the pavement win cause your feet to feel cold

d) The transfer Of heat energy from the pnement will cause your feet to feel

is an excellent thermal conductor becauw it conducts heat easuy

a) Wood

b) Plastic

c) Aluninum

. How does heat travel from the Sun to Earth

a) convection

b) convection

c) radiation


I. A fÜmer needed to keep We baby chicks warm. He placed a light in freir cage. Which sentence best explains the farmer's thinking of a light the age

a) The famer thought the light would transfer themal energy to the chicks' cage

b) The farmer thought that the chicks would be healthier if they were not in the dark

c) The farmer thought that the chicks would eat more to stay warm they can see their food

d) The farmer thought that the Eght would encourage fre chicks to huddle together to keep themselves

. You ate watching fireworks on the fourth of July. When the fireworks are set off, they give Off three forms of energy. Which three forms of energy are given off

a) Eght, sound, electrical

b) Eght, sound, heat

c) sound, electrical, mechanical

d) heat, mechanical, electrical

. the image, what evidence cm. you gather to prove that energy is trmsferred

a) The smoke shows that the grill is transferring heat energy to cook the food

b) The smoke shows that the grill is transferring energy to cook the food

c) The smoke shows that the grill is transferring electrol energy to cook the

d) The smoke shows that the grill is transferring mechanical energy to cook the food