كتاب الطالب وحدة all about home لغة أنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث

عرض بكامل الشاشة
كتاب الطالب  وحدة all about home لغة أنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث

كتاب الطالب  وحدة all about home لغة أنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 

Lesson 2 Find out more

Homes around the world

I Before you read

People build different houses in different vxrts of the world

have houses these in your country

Different kinds of homes

Beehive houses

In some hot, dry places, people build houses from mud. They mix mud with water and dry grass. These houses are called beehive houses. The thick mud walls keep the homes cool

Stilt houses

In some hot, wet places, people build
houses on stilts. Stilt houses are built
high above the water or land. The 'stilts'
are tree trunks. The air blows under the houses and keeps them cool

Cave houses

Cave homes are built in rocks and mountains. Some cave homes are very old. Cave homes stay cool during the summer. They stay warm during the winter

I Beehive houses in Syria

2 Stilt houses in Borneo

3 Cave houses in Turkey


Lesson 3 Words and sounds


1 Leys build a cool house

Listen and recri these instructions. at the words in red

What sound do you hear in these words

You can build a cool house with boxes

You will need sticky tape, glue and scissors

Use some tubes, too

Will you build a castle or a stilt house

Will your house have one room or a few rooms

Find words above that rhyme with zoo. The vowel sound has different Find words where

the vowel has the same as zoo blue new

2 The sounds of

The letters often stand for the vowel sound in and Listen to these words

goose moon roof food Then use them to talk about the picture Sometirnes the letters stand for a different sound

Listen and say these wood foot book look Use these worcß to tdk atut the picture


Lesson 5 Read and respond

Before you read

Work in groups of three. Each person in the group reads one of the texts

Rabbit Beaver homes or Termite homes. Then share what you have learned with children who read the other texts

Where do animals build homes

Rabbit homes

Most rabbits build their home under the ground. A rabbit home has lots of tunnels

Some tunnels lead to rooms where the rabbits sleep

There are special rooms for baby rabbits and their mother Every rabbit home has lots of rabbit holes The rabbits use these holes to go in and out When a rabbit sees a fox or other enemy, it stamps on the ground with its back foot

The other rabbits hear the sound

They run down a rabbit hole A rabbit home keeps rabbits warm , dry and safe from enemies

room for baby rabbits tunnel rabbit hole

Beaver homes

Beavers build homes from branches, rocks and mud They build their home in the middle of a pond The beavers cut down trees with their sharp teeth

They make a huge pile of branches

The beavers build a living room in the middle of their home

The floor of the room is above the water

The beavers and their babies live in this room It is warm and dry

Beavers enter their home through underwater doors

This keeps their home safe from wolves and other enemies The beavers' home keeps beavers safe , dry and warm all year long

branches, rock and mud underwater door

Termite homes

The tallest animal home is built by tiny insects called termites. The termites use mud to build their homes

Some termites build huge towers They live in the towers and in the ground below

The termites' home has lots of tunnels and rooms

In the middle of the home, there is a room for the queen The queen lays eggs

Some termites build rooms that are gardens

They grow a special mushroom in these gardens. The termites eat these mushrooms

The termites build air holes to keep their home cool when the weather is hot


New words

Find two words in the text that you didnt krvw

Find out what the words rnean. Tecxh the words to your group

3 Share your information

Vleet in your group of three. Answer these questions atxyut rabbits. and termites

I Where does your animal build its home

2 What is the home made of

3 Does it have rooms

Who lives in the rooms

5 Why is it a good home

4 Which animal home

Answer these questions with your group

Which animal home has a garden inside

Which animal home is made of wood

Which animal home has doors under the water

Which animal stamps its foot when it sees an enemy

Which animal home looks like a beehive house

Which animal's enemy is a fox

Language detective

Cool means quite cold. but not tm cold. Find a word in the texts which means quite hot but not hot

Words to remember

Find these words in the their down middle with Practise slling them


Write a poem

 Write new verses the poem Homes on page 1C M

 Draw pictures. You can Mite about homes for animals or hornes

fcy things ! Fa example

A sock is a home for a foot

A bin is a home for litter

You can use the sentence starters below or think of oth ias

A shell is a home for a

A box is a home for a

LOOk what I can do

• I can talk about parts of a house

• I can talk about different kinds of homes

• I can read words with the long u sound

• I can ask about and make choices: Would you like

 I can read and talk about an information text