مذكرة وحدة 8 all about home صف ثالث

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مذكرة وحدة 8 all about home صف ثالث

مذكرة وحدة 8 all about home لغة إنجليزية صف ثالث فصل ثالث


مواصفات ملف مذكرة وحدة 8 all about home صف ثالث : 

  • نوع الملف :مذكرة انجليزي
  • الصف - المادة : الثالث  - اللغة الانجليزية
  • الفصل الدراسي : الثالث



الوحدة الثامنة Home, sweet home 

• الدرس الأول :

? What kinds of homes do people and animals build

 صفحات كتاب الطالب105 - 104 ،كتاب التمارٌن 89 - 88

 • أهداف الدرس : 

• Listen and read a poem and answer questions 

• Talk about homes and animals 

• ? Present perfect: have you ever

• Have + object + infinitive


: Complete the sentences 

  • A ……. is a home for a bird
  • A ....…. is a home for a bee
  • A …. is a home for a rabbit
  • A ……. is a home for me


: Put tick yes or no

  • A nest is a home for a bee
  • A hole is a home for rabbit.
  • A house is a home for me
  • A hive is a home for bird.


? what’s in the basket

: Read and write the correct letters under the pictures 

A- Sandwiches

B - Crisps

C- Grapes 

D - Lemonade

E - juice

F -Water

G-  Books

H - magazine


What would you put in a basket to read to eat and to drink in 

.thee tree house


: Answer the questions

1- ? How do I get to the second floor of the tree house

2- ? What is on the roof of the tree house  


 الدرس الثاني : Homes around the worlds 

صفحات كتاب الطالب 107 - 106 ،كتاب التمارين 79 - 78

أهداف الدرس: 

Listen for information 

• Talk about homes, discuss and apply information 

• Compare and contrast 

• Made of + common materials 


: Complete the sentences 

mud/ hot / beehive house 


  • In some ………… , dry places , people build houses of …………

………… They mix mud with water and dry grass   hese houses are called


wet/ wood / stilt house 


  • ………… In some hot , …….. places , people build houses of

 Stilt houses are built high above water and land 


cave house/ rocks / winter 


  • cave houses are built in ………………. and mountains some cave houses are

 …………very old . Cave hoses stay cool during summer . They stay warm during


lifts / skyscrapers 


  • ……………….In cities all over the world, people live in tall buildings called

These building are made of metals concrete and glass. 

……………….The skyscraper has more than 160 floors and 57


.In some hot , dry places , people build this house of mud .They mix mud with water 

and dry grass  

.In some hot , wet places , people build houses on stilt Stilt houses are built high

 above water and land



The name of the house 


. They are built in rocks and mountains. Some of them are very old

. These houses stay cool during summer . They stay warm during winter

In cities all over the world, people live in these tall buildings . 

These building are made of metals concrete . It has more than 160 

.floors and 57 lifts


: Answer the questions with true or false


1- (………………)  A beehive house has a lot of windows

2- (………………) A skyscraper has lots of window

3- (………………) A cave house keeps you warm in winter 

4- (………………) Stilt houses are built only in cold , dry places


عزيزي متابع موقع سراج المناهج الاماراتية ننصحك بمتابعتنا على مواقع

 التواصل الاجتماعي :

صفحة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على الفيسبوك ( تابعنا )

قناة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على التليجرام ( تابعنا )