ورقة عمل مراجعة Maze Practice لغة إنجليزية الصف السادس Access

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ورقة عمل مراجعة Maze Practice لغة إنجليزية الصف السادس Access

ورقة عمل مراجعة Maze Practice لغة إنجليزية الصف السادس Access

Grade 6 Access Maze Practice

Term 2

2022 / 2023

Nowadays most people begin their holiday by plane or ship. Some people 1 ( like , likes , liked ) traveling by car and staying in hotels, or they enjoy camping and 2 ( find , stay , take ) special places 3 ( when , where , why ) they can put up a 4 ( gadget , tent , lake ) for their families and friends. These enjoy being 5 ( in , on , at ) their cars. They are 6 ( use , used , using ) sleeping bags 7 ( where , what , when ) they go into the country. Some people like adventure holidays and 8 ( sail , travel , invent) into 9 ( heavy , dangerous , ) places like the jungle or across the desert. They 10 ( don't , doesn't , didn't ) want to stay in 11 ( light , expensive , tiny ) hotels that cost much money. My father 12 ( prefers , preferring , prefer ) to sleep under the stars and enjoy nature. He 13 ( don't , doesn't , didn't ) like to be indoor. My brothers are now 14 ( at , in , on ) school. They IS ( am , is , are ) thinking our coming holiday. They both 16 ( can , could , should ) swim very well sot he says we all 17 ( can't , should , could ) go to the beach because it is nice. 'lhere 18 ( is , are , was ) nice beaches 19 ( on , in , at ) Fujairah. How 20 ( much , many , most ) days do you want to spend on holiday

 Hello Ali 1 ( Ilow , Who , What ) are you ? I Ilope you 2 ( are , do , is ) having a great 3 ( weather , holiday , journey ) I'm 4 ( write , wrote , writing ) to ask if you'd like to come to my party 5 ( in , on , at ) our small city 6 ( when , where , how ) we live. Our city is 7 ( safe , expensive , useless ).There is nothing dangerous. We're going bowling 8 ( at , in , on ) the big mall. You 9 ( can't , should , could ) fry it_lt is very nice. Then we're 10 ( going , go , goes ) to have a very good lunch in , at , on ) Rami restaurant. It 12 ( has, does , is ) going to be pizza and cake! I really hope you can make it— it'll be really good fun and you will be very 13 ( useful , excited , expensive ). I'm going to invite Abdullah, Khaled and Hassan They all 14 ( enjoys , enjoying , enjoy ) going out. My little sister always 15 (asks , asking , ask ) to play with your sister so she 16 ( could , can't , can ) come too. 17 ( Is , Do , Are ) you going to be here soon ? — I know it's the school holiday, but you can 18 ( doing , does , do ) it. Your friend , Naser 19 ( doesn't , don't , didn't ) like to come alone Please let me know 20 (which , where , when ) Other activities you like SO I plan for

Hope to hear from you soon
