مراجعة مواضيع الكتابة اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثاني

عرض بكامل الشاشة
مراجعة مواضيع الكتابة اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثاني

مراجعة مواضيع الكتابة اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثاني


Topics: Looking back ( places, people)

Expected text length : 35 works ( 6 sentences)

1) What is this

It is a sandwich

2) Why do we use this for writing

To write full paragraph

Basics of writing

 Start your sentences with a capital My name is Alya

I go to Sharjah every month

Dubai is a famous tourist attraction

2. Write full, well-structured sentences

Hamdah is a great teacher

You are an amazing artist

If you want to get high marks, you must study very well Some books were left at the school

. End your sentences with full stops or question marks

My classroom is very tidy today

Who cleaned the classroom today

. use the correct tense of verbs in your writing

Stories and (fiction and nonfiction) -past tense - future tense

Direction - instructions - recipes: present tense

Essays - emails could be written in past - present - future tense

you must change the verb to Show the past tense

Add-ed to most verbs. You rnay need to make a spelling change before you add-ed

Present Tense

work, works

want, wants

drag, drags

live, lives

Past tense





use special forms for the past tense of be and have

Forms of Be

Present Tense

Am, is. are

Past Tense

Was, were

1) What was the job ? Who had this job

Ahmed was a vet

2) Where did he / she work

He worked at the clinic and sometimes he went to the farms

3) What was his / her personal qualities

He was hardworking, brave, patient and calm

4) What did he / she need for this job

He should know science and math. Also, he should know about medicine


person's job

Ahrned was a vet. He worked at the clinic and sometimes he went to the farms. He was hard working, brave, patient and calm

Should know science and math. Also, he should know about médiéine

1) What was the place ? Where was it

Dubai Miracle Garden in Dubai

2) Who went with you

I went there with my family

3) When did you go there

We went last week

4) What did you do there

I saw many awesome flowers. Also, I saw beautiful butterflies. When I felt tired, I sat in a wonderful café

5) How did you feel

I enjoyed my time very well

there with mi family. We went last week. I saw many awesome flowers Also, I saw beautiful butterflies. When I felt tired, I sat in a wonderful café


1) Who was the special person

H.H. Shaik Zayed Bin Sultan was the special person

2) What was his personal qualities

He was hardworking, brave, patient, confident and kind

3) What did he love

He loved horse riding and falconry. Also, he loved plants

4) What did he do

He changed the desert to the green land. Moreover, He united the UAE

 How do you feel when you hear his name

I feel very proud because I love him. Also, I will follow his steps

H.H. Shaik Zayed Bin Sultan was the special person. He was hard working, brave, patient, confident and kind. He loved horse riding and falconry. Also, he loved plants feel very proud beca 'Ove him. Also, l will follow his step

Thank you