حل كتاب الطالب لغة انجليزية الصف الأول الفصل الثالث
Introduction to UAE Phonics Programme
This course will provide learners with the essential skills to and write with confidence. Through the materials literæy skills WiM be through intercrtive activities and The rnatenats on Phonics. tXSiC word groups and builds on this foundation throughout the course. supplemented with other essential skills for literacy
There are some icons in the that you will næd to know
The listening icon shows that you have to listen to an audio trcx.The number shows which track to listen to The sgaking icon Shows that you have to do a $R)king activity
The PCM icon I shows that you have to one of the from the Handbcxk for the activity. The nurnber shows which EM to use
Phonics Song
The Phonics Song is provided an additional tcxl for to ER20rne familiar with the phonics sounds through music. Actions can made for each sound. so increasingly familiar with them
Course Guide
Phonics Focus
Structured sets of phonemes and graphemes are an feature of the course and will applied through a variety of methods of learning, including blending segmenting. word families and rhyming. It is essential that phonics is prætised and throughout the entirety of the course
High Frequency Words
An awareness of the most commonly used High Frequency Words will incorporated throughout the course. Recognition of these words will enable learners to faster and more fluent
Handwriting Practice
Learners are supported through the basics of letter formation and penmanship. The course aims to develop fine motor skills and provide learners with the ability to write indewldently and with confidence
Sentence Structure
Syntax is through repetition and challenging activities that provide learners with the tcxls needed to create their own sentences while continuing their language learning
Reading Comprehension
Relatable reading tasks and comprehension activities have designed to challenge learners and enhance listening. speaking and writing skills. Through comprehension learners will build on their practise pronunciation and develop grammar knowledge
Lets Read
Look at the picture. What can you sæ? Talk the picture with a
Salma likes kites
My rome is Salma
I like to ny kites
1 90 to the to fly my kite
I meet my frierds at the
These are my frierds. Nia ard Haza
I have a red kit
Nia hos a prple kite
Haza has a lite too
It is green ard orang
Activity 2
Read the story. Who is the story Point to the srson in the picture
Activity 3
Choose a name for the story. Then write it on the line
I. Stars 2. Five Fish 3. Salma Likes Kites
Activity 4
Read the story again. Then. fill in the gaps
1. Emalikestony kites
2. She to the park
3. She meets her friends
4. to fy her kite
5 at the park
6 a. Salma has a red kite
5. Alia has a purple kite
Activity 5
Write a sentence about Haza's kite Haza has a kite too
Activity 1
Look at the pcture. What can you see? Talk about the picture with a partner
Dilly the dragon
This is Dilly. Dilly is a hoppy dragon
She sees a butterfly. She is excited
The batterny flies away. Dilly is sod
Dilly sees a rnouse. Ste is scared
She huffs ard p.lffs. She is argy
DiIIy is sleepy. It's time to 90 to bedl
Activity 2
Read the story. Circle the correct answers
I. Di"yisa happy sad dragon
3. Dilly is
4. Dilly is
when she sees a butterfly
sad the butterfly fies away
sad vhen She sees a mouse
. huffs and puffs when she iS happy angry
6.Dinyis s
excited so it's time to go to bed
Activity 3
read the story again. Ten the story to your partner
This is Ditty
Ditty is a happy
High Frequenc Words
Listen and repeat
back from children
Activity 2
Read the clues and write the High Frequency Words
1. Which word has eight letters
2. Which word ends with k
3. Which word has two letters
4. Which word begins with f
5. Which word has three letters
Activity 3
find the Frequency VVordS are ho
They are coming zoo
Dad drives the car
They asor ice cream
They can tme ice creardjt.ey are
Activity 4
Listen to the sentences Fill in the missing High Frequency Words
1.The children
2. Go to bed if
am excited to go back
like to play in the pool
you are sleem to the
4. Give —him— a pen
. Who is the book from
Play Time
The chldren like to play Vith toys
Zayed likes to play Vith cars He hos a purple car
a green car ard a red the purple car Moza hos a doll. giveot_xea in a cup
Sultan likes to play with dirosaura EIikes to play with Zayes red car
The children store their toya
Activity 2
Read the story. Draw lines to match the questions to the corrat answers
I. What do the Children like to do
2. What Zayed like to play with
3. What Moza have
4. Who likes to play with dinosaurs
5. What do the Children share
Activity 3
4. Sultan likes to play with dinosaurs
3. She a doll
5. The Children share their toys
1 . The children like to play with toys
2. He likes to play with cars
the story Can pu see any pronouns ? Circle the pronouns in story
Lers Write
Activity I
at the pictures and the sentences. Answer the
Lets Read
Activity 1
Look at the picture. Who can pu see? Talk about the picture with a partner
My family
Hil My rorre is Madia
Tis is a picture of my family
Tis is my brother. He is seven years old
This is my She is a vet
This is my dad. He is a teacher
This is my grardrro ard this is my grardpa. They live in AJrmn Trey time a big house
We are a very hoppy family
Activity 2
Read the story. Point to each person in the family as you read
Activity 3
Read the story again. Fill in the blanks
I. Madiat brother is
.Her mother seven
is vet. old
. Her —father— is a teacher
4. Her and grandpa live in Ajman
5. They are a very —happy
Activity 4
Choose a name for the story. Then write it on the line
1.My Toys 2. My Feeling