حل درس Animals On The Move اللغة الانجليزية الصف السابع

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حل درس Animals On The Move اللغة الانجليزية الصف السابع

حل درس Animals On The Move اللغة الانجليزية الصف السابع

Lessons 8 - 9 Animals on the move

In which countries do you find bolar Can they swim ? do they eat?


I. Read the information on climate change. Answer the questions

1 What is climate change

2 Why does it happen

3 What the of dirnate change

I. Climate change is when the Earth's temperature rises

2 Climate change happens because we produce many greenhouse gases, which trap the Sun's heat



Climate rneans that the earth's temperature is warmer. This is our cars and factories prcxiuce many greenhouse gases, which trap the Sun's heat. This is because if the earth gets warmer, snow and ice begin to rnelt and can cause flcxxiing. Also, water might dry up making it harder to grow fcxxi in the hottest parts of the world

3 The dangers of climate changes are that if the Earth gets warmer, snow and ice to melt which can cause flocxling. Also, water supplies might dry up making it harder to grow focxl

2 look at the title of the magazine article and the photo at the bottom of this page. What does the word 'shrinking' mean

Shrinking means to get smaller


Polar bears live in the Arctic. which is one of the planet; coldest environments. They move around on the Arctic ice sheets and swim in the coastal waters They feed mainly on which they catch with their huge paws when the seals are resting on the ice or coming up to breathe However, global warming is changing their way of life

Climate change is a problem for the bears. As the sea melts, they can't move around and hunt so freely. They get very hungry and begin to starve

3 Read the article. Why is the polar bear's world shrinking

They're actually very gcxjd at starving for a time — they can starve for several months. But eventually they need to eat. This is why they're shifting their habitat. They're spending more time on land and less on the ice. They're going into towns and villages and for food in rubbish binsl

They're not afraid of people and may attack them when they're very hungry

Polar bears can't live with Irople. but their natural habitat is How will they survive The polar world is shrinking because of global warming / climate change. As the sea ice melts, polar bears can't move around and hunt so freely


 Discuss these questions with your partner

1 What do you think will happen if the polar bear's natural habitat disappears

 2 What can you do at home to hel reduce climate change

3 Do you think learning about climate change is important

l. They will die

2. Recycle, use less electricity, grow own vegetables, etc

3. Yes, so that people can change their lifestyles and impact on the environment


Read the article The shrinking world of the polar bear again. Find words in the article to complete these sentences

1 Whenice Melts it turns to water

2 Wild animalshaveto Hunt for their

3 When or animals have no food for a long time

4 Iblar bears are moving from the ice to the land.They Shifting_ their habitat.

5 Animals are in danger due to climate change. We need to help.ye


Look at the fact file and find

1 a word that means 'meat -eating' I carnivorous

 seals walruses, whales 2 three types of marine mammal

3 a word for the feet of certain types of animals like rabbits

4 an adjective to the skin between an animal' 40 webbed 

5 a word for a baby Euar



TYPE: mammal

HABITAT: the A rctic regions Of Russia, Alaska, Canada Grænland and Norway

DET: carnivorous (seals, walruses, whales) AVER" SPAN: 25 to years

 Polar bears have large front paws, which help them to swim

They have a thick Of fur, which covers a layer Of fat

 On the of their paws they have fur, which protects them against the cold and helps them to walk on ice

 Under their furthe bears have black skin which helps them to get as much heat as possible from the Sun Females usually have two cubs, which live with their rmther for Over two years

 The look after the cubs with no help from the males. In fact , male bears will sometimes kill the cubs


Lessons 8—9 Animals on the move

I. Read the text and complete the fact file

• The Bengal tiger is found in the forests of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. Its fur is yellow to light orange with stripes of dark brown or black The tail is orange with black rings. No two tigers have exactly the same stripes.

 'tigers are the biggest members of the cat family  They are fast and powerful. Bengal tigers can measure up to 1.8 metres and the tail is up to 0.9 metres. They weigh up to 230 kilograms

 'tigers are carnivores. They eat other large mammals, such as water buffalo, wild pigs and deer. They are usually nocturnal hunters. A hungry tiger can eat up to 27 kilograms of meat in one night. Tigers only attack humans when they can't catch their normal prey

 A female tiger usually has one to six cubs which stay with their mother until they are two to three years they are eighteen months old

 In the wild , tigers live from eight to ten years


Complete the sentences with a word from the box

• global warming •climate change •habitat •greenhouse pses

I The natural home of an animal or plant. For example, the Bengal tiger lives in the jungles of Nepal and Bhutan. ms is called 

2 These keep heat in the earth's atmosphere, ng the earth's temperature increase. lhese are called greenhouse gases

3 Another name for the earth'stemperature increglK bal warming

4 Burning coal and oil affects the earth's weather and so usual weather pattems change. This is climate -change

Read the questions about the Bengal tiger and answer true (T) or false (F)

F I Bengal tigers live in every country

T 2 or orange with dark stripes

T 3 Every Bengal tiger has different stripes

T 4 Iheyare veybigcats

T 5 Bengal tigers only eat meat

F 6 Iheyal way sea thumans

F 7 They hunt for food during the day

F 8 Bah' tigers stay with their mothers