مذكرة انجليزي مع الحل للصف الرابع فصل ثالث

مذكرة انجليزي مع الحل للصف الرابع فصل ثالث

مذكرة انجليزي مع الحل للصف الرابع فصل ثالث


مواصفات ملف مذكرة انجليزي مع الحل للصف الرابع فصل ثالث : 

  • نوع الملف :مذكرة انجليزي
  • الصف - المادة : رابع  - اللغة الانجليزية
  • الفصل الدراسي : الثالث


: Read and write the correct word from the box

kind - helpful - brave- friendly - polite - hard working


1-Ali is helpful because he likes to help other people

2- .Ahmed is kind because he does nice things for other prople

3- .Amal is friendly because she likes talking to people 

4- .My mother is hard working because she works many hours every day 

5- .My brother is brave because he is not  afraid of danger 

6- .My cousin is polite because she always says please and thank you


 :Read and circle the correct answer


 1- My mum ( visit / visited / visits ) her friend yesterday . 

2-. My dad ( arrives / arrive / arrived ) home late last monday 

3-. Ali ( drove / driving/ drives ) his car very fast three days ago

4-. Muna (  drinks / drank / drink ) milk for breakfast two hours ago 

5- She (  is / are / was ) excited to see her dad last night


: Read and write a question starting with(  did ... ) for each senrence

:Use of English  


We use the past simple to talk about actions that happened in the past .

 .A-We add-ed to regular verbs to make them past 

Their grand father asked for a glass ofmint tea

.B-Irregular verbs do not have-ed endings in the past simple

He went hunting with his father  

C-We use did + verb in the infinitive to make yes/ no questions in the past simple

? Did you feel hungry 


: Example

1- She saw her mother washing dishes 

 ?Did she see her mother washing dishes

2- .He wanted to read a book

?Did he want to read abook 

3-.Ali helped her mother

?Did alia help her mother 

4-My grandpa went into a camping trip to the desert . 

?Did my grandpa go in to a camping trip to the desert 

5- .Amal cooked the dinner last night 

? Did amal cook the dinner last night

6-.He ate a burger for the lunch

? Did he eat burger for the lunch


: Read and answer the following questions *

:Use of English  


We use the present perfect simple with for to 

talk about things that started in the past and are still true today 

.He has lived in the UAE for seven years 

.I have spoken English for three months 


When we write a question

:We use 


?How long has she lived in the UAE 

? How long have you spoken English 


?How long have you spoken English 

 .I have spoken english for four years

? How long have you read books 

.I have read books for five years 

?How long have you lived in your house 

.I have lived in my house for ten years 

? How long have you studied Arabic

 .I have studied arabic for six years


عزيزي متابع موقع سراج المناهج الاماراتية ننصحك بمتابعتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي :

صفحة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على الفيسبوك ( تابعنا )

قناة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على التليجرام ( تابعنا )