ورقة عمل قواعد لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني

عرض بكامل الشاشة
ورقة عمل قواعد لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني

ورقة عمل قواعد لغة إنجليزية صف سابع فصل ثاني

correct the mistakes 

From 6 to 7 yesterday, Ahmed (watch) Tv-


 Mona was studying when the light (go) out-


 Yesterday, Ali went to cinema to (watching) an action movie-


I am (at) the metro right now-


 I get (at) the bus when I reach my destination-


Watching an action movie is much interesting) than playing games-


Learning languages is much (easy) than learning Maths-


Saleh (meet) Ali when he was going to school-


 Toyota is (not expensive) as BMW 7-


 We went (in) the bridge when we wanted to cross Dubai Creek-
